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Everything posted by Player1

  1. not letting me update
  2. so true
  3. i downloaded the software dev kit and it installs a renegade x installer pls can someone help
  4. plus i used that installer it gave me and i ran it then mty pc freezed
  5. i didnt put it in the same folder
  6. When is Firestorm gonna get released??
  7. plus i installed renegade x again and then i ran the launcher its said that it was my first time running the app or my download is corrupted but when i try to re install it it completely freezes
  8. when i install the mod creator thing it installs renegade x how do i make a mod??
  9. also im new to the community but i played renegade and renegade x years ago
  10. Thanks for the info
  11. Sorrry im a noob i dont know too much about this thing
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