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Everything posted by Aknot

  1. Alright! Awesome work; I was just commenting the other day about Hourglass and its awesomeness. Great to know its out in the new patch
  2. Dude, awesome! Brings back memories
  3. Infantry - SBH (Stealth Black Hand); Strictly because I like not being able to be seen, although the SBH needs fixing (which I believe you are well aware of) Vehicle - NOD Artillery (Arty); It beats the living shit outta everything, seriously.. and if you have 2 or 3 of those bad boys you can rape.
  4. Hmm, I was on Gamespy. I played on WOL when I first got the game, then migrated over to GSA. On GSA I was in [RED], Rebel Elite Defense. I bet everyone knows them. Name was Lord of Fire, LoF, PsychoLoF, ApocalypticLoF Oh those were the days... I remember [TA]
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