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Leader Bee

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Everything posted by Leader Bee

  1. Hah lovely, ill vive this a go next time im on the server. Cheers lads
  2. Just a quickie; is there any instance that i would want to use the sbh smg when the laser has infinite ammo? Its not clear if the smg does more damage or has some kind of different profile that would make it the preferred choice in some situations?
  3. awesome, didn't know that, handy, thanks
  4. It does? How?
  5. That explains it, i'm a terrible sniper and rarely play them
  6. So Nightvision does still actually work in RenX? which maps because nothing ever happens when I press N; I wondered if it might have been a class specific ability.
  7. Might be something we get in firestorm. I imagine that you could also get limpet drone/mines as a secondary (kind of like how gunners and raveshaws get AT mines currently)
  8. I'm happy with the damage for a mobius, but damned be you if you are any class other than doza trying to counter it; It shreds infantry far too easily giving you a couple of seconds to do a miniscule amount of damage then die. Perhaps not quite so much a problem in underground tunnels and bunkers but outside on large fields and open areas there is little or no escape from them. Opinions?
  9. Deffinitely not walls - I'm sick of it; Can't we just go back to rotation? I'd be happy with playing some less popular maps simply for the variety.
  10. Is there a toggle or button press that will lock my turret in the direction i'm facing when i do? Sometimes I want to look around in my tank but don't want the inconvenience of my slow ass turret following me when I do... especially bad in a mammoth with slow turret traverse.
  11. Doesnt matter anyway. They are rarely used and splash damage goes right through them anyway.
  12. PIC and Rail don't really have a scope either
  13. Unfortunately it won't ever end up on Steam because of the agreeement that the devs have with EA. Give it anothe rgo though, because the last update was a bit funny for me too, but I sorted it now.
  14. Not so much of an issue with vehicles, the only tank i have trouble with knowing which direction the hull if facing in relationship to the turret is the flame tank, i think its because the hull looks very similar feom the front and back
  15. When I press M to figure out where I am, especially on a new map i'm not familiar with it's pretty difficult to spot myself even though i'm coloured in green - the minimap has a vision cone which the larger map doesnt have and I feel if this was added tot he larger map when you press M it would be easier to find out where you are and actually, which direction you're facing, which the current dot markers dont indicate. Any thoughts?
  16. Thanks, i'm not sure about how to go about using teh UDKEngine file but I used the console to change the FOV ("FOV XXX") but my vertical real estate is still pretty bad - here is what i'm currently getting: Is there a command in teh console to do similar for the vertical?
  17. I've had a fiddle in the settings a few times to set my resolution to 5780 x 768 (i use Nvidia Surround) and while I can get the game to span 3 monitors, it is zoomed in so close it's pretty much unplayable so I just consigned myself to the fact that i have to play it at a lower resolution that plays on one screen. Now i've found the forums though, I wondered if anyone else has sucessfully played at an ultrawide resolutions and how they did it?
  18. thought it was just a speedboost...am i not correct?
  19. I have spent almost a year playing and I have not commandered once - I have no idea how to vote myself to do it and even if someone voted me to, I would be a rubbish commander because i've never done it before and have no idea how it works.
  20. Yeah, ping is great everywhere else! bizzare, it was fine up until maybe Monday this week. Thought it might been a server issue
  21. Thanks, I think this is what you need:
  22. how do you do that Sarah? Just F5 in game?
  23. Sorry, new to the forum but not the game and i'm not sure if this is the correct sub forum, but there has been horrible lag the last week or so that makes driving any kind of vehicle impossible. Just wanted to check if this is a known issue experienced by other users or if it truly is just me?
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