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  1. But isn't it a bit silly to be strict on people in flame tanks???????
  2. I guess now is as good a time as any to come back then.
  3. PLEASE make the EVA voices louder. Good grief I can't hear them, lost the ref due to a Nuke. A guy said stuff twice, and honestly, the chat disappears so quickly I hadn't caught on to the fact it was gone be nuked.
  4. Think of it this way. I can use a shotgun as a makeshift sniper rifle in PAYDAY 2. Yep. It's brutally cheap. You want something like that in this? Honestly, I can't tell what you're doing, but try to keep from moving your aim too much. Stay cool, and fire. They'll die.
  5. I'm not sure why, but it seems like my visor is getting rained on, and only my visor. The rain! It's everywhere! Also, I got a screenshot of rain inside the GDI Barracks on Mesa II. I haven't a clue as to what the monkey is going on, but it's here on record now. Thought I'd let you wonderful people know.
  6. Yeah, um, I get that as well.
  7. Looooool I got more spy crates than death crates. Interesting. EDIT: For a bit of clarification, I feel indifferent on the crates because I'm not really affected by them. I've been hit once with one. I've gotten two different spy crates same match. Perhaps the Death crates need to be in between spy crates and it's normal cost right now?
  8. Why not have it a timed ability? Like it lasts for three minutes so it isn't as easy to abuse.
  9. I don't know Super_gsx, they always crushed me when I rushed. Then again, I'm normally that dude at the front that is getting shot. Arg. Sometimes stalemates occur, and there's nothing you can do about it, right? WRONG! All you have to do is one simple thing. Shoot the hell outa the enemy base with a grenade! Pop one in the building! Zerg rush their ass! There's free infantry for a reason!
  10. I never caught on, but yeah, you're right. Odd.
  11. It would be cool for the ability to add custom skins approved by the community, yeah, but I dunno. The team has done so much work, and everything looks great, so I don't know if I'd use skins.
  12. I'm going to have to agree that Goldrush seems very pro-Nod in the beginning, making it VERY hard for GDI to get a foot hold. I got the chance to play as Nod once, and the Guard Tower by the PP is incredibly quick to fall to two or three SBH.
  13. McFarland Flak Cannon start at 150 credits start completely dominates Nod. Absolutely. I love that weapon. It's also a GREAT weapon overall. Might see a nerf. Honestly, if I can take a, uh, Stank health percentage of 1% per alt fire, might be too strong.
  14. What Pan says is the truth. Ten buggies could kill a Mammoth with ease. It's in terms of pure quantity vs quality. Think in terms of 30 deployed GI's in Red Alert 2 against a Mammoth. Sure, you'll lose infantry, but you'll still beat the Mammoth.
  15. It does work sgt.walton. And it is very exciting to think about when done!
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