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  1. Thank you both for your help, especially Sakura! It’s very kind of you to assist me with my problem. This is kind of embarrassing, I’m sorry but is there an easier way to do this? I would like to have the default color skins for GDI/NOD on every map without going into command prompt
  2. It sounds like some effort is required for the mod, I'm sure you have many other things that you could do with your time. However that would be very gracious of you to make it for me and I would be very grateful!!
  3. Do you know any mods that will do that?
  4. Basically I noticed that “woodland” Camo is applied to the units in GDI. How do I change them back to the Golden color used back in 2014 beta? I only play offline with bots. Forgive me I haven’t played for many years. thank you
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