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  1. awesome news, cant wait
  2. so i just need unreal tournament 3 and download your client. anything else?
  3. glad you all are still around. got a lot of respect for what you all have done here. should i just wait for the stand alone?
  4. I finally have a pc that can handle this game. You all still playing it. hope the answer is yes.
  5. I'll pitch in and help pay for this monthly.
  6. is there going to be a vehicle limit? and if so more than what we have now?
  7. Just wanted to register and support this. Can't wait to play it.
  8. hey all, Guys read the opening Q&A most of your questions are already answered. Will there be anything like BF2's interaction with vechicles. Like you can ride along in a chopper or an apc and shoot from it. Any changes like that?
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