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Everything posted by ilovetiberiansun

  1. :blink: LOL, WTF. Yea, look like retard are not only in videogame.
  2. i was meaning killing multiple target with a single shoot of a ramjet, so i know its impossible to kill 4 or more with that.
  3. thanks for answering my question
  4. ty, and also , do we need UT3 to play it when its gonna be ready?
  5. well, there the plane from c&c3 cuz the video happen a little before c&c4.
  6. Well, hi there, I only have a simple question, and since im new on this forum (signed up 2 hours ago and learned about this mod via the new vid of battlecast primetime that was refering about this mod) i was wondering if there will only be the map already made by westwood in ren-X or you guy gonna adds new completly different map :huh: ?
  7. -when you can plant a nuke#ion in the worste place of an building and nobody come to see where it is and you are alone AND YOU SUCCES TO BLOW IT. -killing other vehicle with a hundred of mine placed in front of your apc. -killing 10 and more infantry with an single shot of an noobjet.
  8. haaa, if only i knew how to mods stuff
  9. Well, me it wasnt a rush but an MASS (love to do that) and both team had make 50 med-light tank, and we massed in the same time, its was soo epic :blink:
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