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Everything posted by f4rk4st4m4s

  1. Hello! I have just recently joined this community after seeing your dev video about Firestorm and it got me pretty excited about it! I'm interested in one particular thing regarding NOD cyborgs. As far as I could tell they will be a playable character class but what has been bugging me about them is that they use hand-held weapons, like the sniper rifle in the video. Is there a possibility that you might change the character later, so that it more resembles the original ones in Tiberian Sun in terms of weaponry? I'm talking about a built in chain gun in one arm, a secondary weapon in the other, like a grenade launcher for example that you could switch over to. They would have a limited arsenal vulnerable to EMPs, but could be a bit tougher in armor and health. Also, will this character class heal on tiberium fields like in the original? It would be really awesome to see a couple of these badboys wreak havoc on the battlefield! Keep up the good work, I'm really looking forward to play the cr*p out of this game!
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