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Posts posted by slashes

  1. On 2/28/2021 at 3:55 AM, isupreme said:

    They are a game killer.    Maybe even a server killer.    God bless they are Awesome fun.  But it is too powerful to be allowed at the start of a match.

    Prohibit early Twin Rocket Crates TODAY!

    Sign below or other to indicate support.


    i dont see a problem with them with how hey react. when ya fire them the 2nd rocket 9 out of 10 times lose the locking of the target meaning ya will miss the target. unless the target isent moving then he deserves to get hit. i find the twin launcher a bit underpowerdt to honest. because it suffers from these problems

    1.takes 5-8 seconds to reload

    2.the recoil of the 1st rocket shot makes ya lose the locking 9 out of 10 times=dealing half damage because ya miss the target

    3. its only a minor bit stronger then a normal rocket launcher at most it deals 25-30% more damage if both rockets hit the target which is only possible if the target remains still or by some miracle ya dident lose the lock on.....


    have the same problems with the piercing ion cannon. if all 3 shots connect ya deal 10 more damage then an ion cannon. read carefullly 10!!!!!! extra damage if alll 3 i repeat 3 shots connnect. have ya seen the dam recoil of this piece of crap. at most 2 out of 3 shots will hit the target up close with ya 2nd shot just barelly hitting a bigger target. piercing ion need a damage adjustment have it be if 2 out of 3 hits hit ya target ya deal same damage as an  the personal ion cannon then the 3th miracle shot dealing a bit extra damage making it worthly of the weapon in the crate.


  2. On 3/16/2021 at 11:17 PM, Tytonium said:

    Which one would you choose and why?

    This remaster will have updated modern graphics, better balancing and AI to play better, and a completely remastered soundtrack by the original creator (likely our God Emperor Klepacki).

    All of these newly added features can be toggled on/off to your will so if you want you can play the game completely like the original. Basically a perfect remaster and no EA fuckery.

    I choose Dune 2000 because that's the game that got me into RTS stuff as a kid and plays like no other game Westwood ever made. Also giant fucking sandworms.

    For the baron

    would deff pick c&c renegade when its done right. think of better reinforcements in the campaign  like engineers or hotwire being usefull she is an advanced tech yet doesnt even use her repair gun. in the entire campaign there was only 2 instances of ai using repair guns the scripted version of 1 engineer fixing a medium tank that blew up and left only a shell . then the mammoth tank near the end where the officer fixes it up before giving it to ya. thats only if it was kept alive.

    the some better ai that dont cheat like what the hell remmember playing online at the start some reinforcement showed from acrosss the goddam map a gdi soldier shot he just shot me i was a stealth black hand was like what the hell who is shooting me.

    the only thing that was fun to use was the follow command ya could both use online and ofline. when they added the commander function to call advanced reinforcement would alway just steal the commanders backup just walked up to them tapped e and they would follow me.  the reinforcements player could call was depanded on ya veteran rank so on ran 1-2 normal. when ya rankt 3-4th the first byable 3 inf could be gotten officer,rocket soldier then chem/sydney  they would pick from the free+these guys pool depanding on which faction. on rank 5 ya would only get the tier 1 and 2 guys that included the 500+ cost guy

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  3. On 3/17/2021 at 8:36 AM, Handepsilon said:

    I'm iffy on the notion of giving commander role more functions. That means more task to do for them... which leads to more responsibilities... which leads to more room to mess up the team and for people to blame them on.

    it thats the focus on not wanting commanders to have more responsability why not have players do it themselfs. like the engineer idea just make it cost alot of credits so not everyone go's for it then having there effectiveness in defence rally on credits. the more money they have the more things they can possibly do. then to stop people from making the people overpowerdt that pick these classes the momment ya bought it ya can no longer gen normal donations. the only donations ya can get is when someone leaves then also half of what everyone else gets. this way it makes it really that money is power. 

    when this roll is released to the game make it the 1st week free to buy with  message telling them for 7 days this class is free afther the 7 days it can become like 1500-2000-3000 credits to buy it. the class will also have enchanced health/armor. could even make it able to survive a ramjet sniper headshot 1 time wih the only way to regain health is with repairs or increasing ya vp rank. this makes them excelent typ of builder with a special mechanic to them.

  4. artic is always 1st for me because of certain features. not the emp...

    the 2nd is eyes because 3-5 are crates ya can get lucky with vehicles the 2 nasty crates is what i dislike tho.

    3. is fort suprised ya forgot about it thiccccccc tank ready.. ya can place them in odd locations if ya do it right ya can even shove them un certain high mountains with a speed boost+aditional help of teamates then just deploy and there ya go a high ground thicccc tank. other  then that wish map had couple of defencive towers tho to stop infantry cheese to early like 2 machine towers near both tunnel entrances and rocket enplacement near the entrances placed right so they only attack when they enter the entrance.

    4. crash site because abandoned wf the cheesyness nod can have here is nice if ya not fast enough. no air no problem cap the wf and get ya some titans and wolverines. same ofcourse for gdi kinda sucks tho not alot of defences.

    5. island x because water ya can use the swimming mechanic more thats pretty much it not a fan of crate spawns all around because out of like 12-13 crates 2 can yield ya a vehicle potentionally. also if ya get a hover mrls ya gonna have alot of fun  because its floats above water consider it floats ya can already see the cheese mechanics here.

    6. x mountain mostly because of the fun halloween map it becomes and ofcourrse how easy it is to base lock both factions+4 out of 7 crates can drop vehicle's.

    7. was eather complex it was giant map forgot the name i like that map alot large open space takes time to go to both bases easy to getout of a baselock destroying 1-2 vehicles criples the people doing the baselock allowing ya  to break free of it instead of it easily being replaced in a couple of seconds. also very lovely crate spawns

  5. On 2/25/2021 at 10:11 AM, Handepsilon said:

    Before I get to the point, I just want to state that this isn't a topic to urge a change in the Commander function itself or any other mechanics. This is just my thought on the mechanic itself based on my personal experience, so feel free to take it with a pinch of salt.

    Without further ado, let me get straight to the point : Commander is a flawed mechanic.

    That much is known to people, including my fellow dev. On paper, it's sounded logical : an FPS with RTS mechanic, having a role where you can be a pseudo RTS player in the game... taking control of units and pointing them towards victory. Unfortunately this is not what happens in RenX. These units will judge you for failures, rebel against you for orders that doesn't follow with what they want, and they cannot be controlled the same way you control squads in RTS.


    There are multiple reasons people doesn't find commanding in public games appealing. Self-esteem is one, when you are around people who's so much better at you and you feel like they should command instead. On the other hand, frustration on the team's uncoordinated antics can also make people averse to take on the role. Of course, the most notable reason of all is the pressure.

    As a commander, you're basically in charge of the rest of your team. Doesn't matter if there's no enforced mechanic. Everyone will look up to you for ideas; everyone will attempt to give you one whether in teamchat or private; and most importantly, you will be the easiest target to blame on failures.

    It's easy to shift blame on others before yourself. Commander berates their subordinates, the grunts berate their leader, the players blame their team for their loss. It's a common sad sight, and it's all the more reason why elites among us would rather play as the regular joe than taking the commander shoes, despite knowing all the metas.

    Closing thoughts?

    Really, the problem with commander mechanic is ingrained with the social problem of RenX. You have a team full of strangers, with varying skills and knowledge. Sometimes your combined effort works, sometimes it doesn't. This is all fine. What's not fine is the atmosphere that I see when an attempt of teamwork just doesn't work out.

    Instead of quickly blaming your team for losses, perhaps we should look more on ourselves. After all, you're playing as a team. Their victory is your victory. Their failure is your failure. No matter what failing the rest of your team has, you are also at fault one way or another.

    i for 1 think that the commander roll should have other functions aswell like ya have the buffs ya can order emp/airstrike thats all good and well but why not something else like some mechanics of firestorm then with commanders able to rebuy destroyed buildings with crap ton of credit cost.  any of ya remember the renegade commanders roll of rebuilding the power plant for like 5000-10.000-15.000-20.000 credits depanding on how many times ya rebuilded a destroyed building. that commander roll could also call in reinforcements,built turrets enplacement on the location with a commander credit pool but i think this defence building  should be a different roll entirely like a special engineer see under. the reiforcement one tho i wouldent say no to it like allow commanders to call in lvl 8  to cabal typ of reinforcement they would follow the commander and him only untill death

    new engineer for both teams  constructive engineer. he/she will have hise own tools from 1 to 0 with a basic pistol+repair gun on slot 1 and 2 with 3-0 just being different typs of buildings that cost credits to place down. think of gun empacements in couple of matches.they wll be faction controlled meaning if ya build a machine or that rocket empacement only the faction can enter. they will be destroyed forever tho and dont get rebuild. 

    constructive engineer- 1000-1500-2250 credit cost.

    slot 1 just a pistol

    slot 2 just a strong repair tool that techs+hotwires have

    slot 3 the machine gun emplacement 750(1125 if no base power) just a 400 health turret ya can enter otherwise  it does nothing

    slot 4 the rocket enplacement 1000(1500 if no base power) same 400 hp turret with it being  more deadlyer doesnt fire on hise own needs player input

    the 5th slot just automated sam turret 2000(3000 if no base power) health no clue same hp as the ones ya currently should get

    slot 6 machin gun version the automated defence 2500(3750 if no base power)

    slot 7 turrets/rocket version of the auto defences depandin on faction nod gets turrets gdi just get rocket enplacements cost should be like 3000 to 4500 with  no base power

    for slot 8 i have been thinking of a repair tool that drains ya money to do the repairs. think of the advanced repair tool then with a credit depleeting mechanic to it like for every 100 hp of a target ya heal ya lose 50 credits. this tool heals around 150-200 hp a sec so its really for speed heals with high cost  maintenance.

    slot 9 base reconstructive tool. this is  repair gun that can repair permanent not destroyed  damage building every 1% of permanent damage repaired ya drains 100-200 credits of the players credit pool the repair gun gains 1 charge per 100-200 credits meaning at 0 credits the tool hase 0-9900 of whatever ya max credits can be it also fixes buildings very slow draining 1 charge per second to heal 1% of the permanent damage. ya cannot use this tool to repair destroyed buildings. could alternatively also make a command with /charge tool having it blank like this would charge it with all ya credits ya have writing down /charge tool 25 would drain the credits for 25 repairs. so that people dontjust waste there money repairing others with this considering it then always hase 0 charges unless ya manuelly charge it with credits. ofcourse the charges are kept on death when ya buy this engineer back ya have the remaining charges in this tool.

    slot 0 unrepair tool. when used on the defences ya build ya destroy them over a coupe of seconds refunding half of the base credits back meaning if defences costed 2500 credits ya get up to 1250 credits back depanding on the state the defence structure was in meaning lower hp=less money back also it ignores the increased cost if no  base power is pressent. 

    also the defences u build will have a name tag of who build them meaning they could maybe also give ya vp for there kills?


  6. 18 hours ago, roweboat said:

    they made the game a bit too wacky

    well what did they do to make the game a bit to wacky. wasent around that long at most like 10 months right now so missed out alot of good update's like the depleetable machine gun turrets. that got me to renegade x when i noticed new renegade with these buyable turrets. used to always play the orignal renegade last i checkt still had a good bit of people on it on the server where ya could build with a engineers other structure's 

  7. so we all know that in prev renegade the stealth black hand could also get  other weapons. with it being of crate or with weapons being dropt enabled. i get that certain weapons make it a bit to powerfull for an sbh like if they have very good luck but, not them able to pick-up basic weapons that arent so strong or even the advanced repair tool is a bit harsh. so how about giving stealth black hands some basic weapons they can get of crates? i am thinking of these weapons.

    advanced repair tool. this would make more sbh's if they have it do some repairs on vehicle's noticed nod is almost never healing there vehicles due to to many players picking the sbh's this would incline them to be usefull. could also make this require the normal repair tool to a possible drop making them invest a bit of credits aswell.

    flak cannon its weaker then the grenade launcher so figured this is a good alternative for them to get its also weaker then a shotgun/kinetic shotgun on enemy's with the capability to deal some decent damage to vehicle's.

    kinetic shotgun  this is the weakest shotgun out of all of them like come on  regular shotgun vs kinetic the regular shotgun the kinetic shotgun will lose every time. the kinetic shotgun only use it to troll on vehicle's with it because ya can shove couple of vehicles out of the way due to the way it reacts unless the kinetic shotgun would get a buff or something this sound like something an sbh could use because it deals the same damage as a laser rifle per shot anyway in very short range.

    twin missile launcher/normal rocket laincher  the locking mechanic of the game alarms the player anyway so not like ya wont alarm the person ya lock on to if ya deem the small bit of damage to much for twin just the normal one will do fine

    piercing ion cannon because its weaker then the personal ion cannon and very innacurate so just being able to get this with sbh isent gamebreaking. it dished out in 3 shots hitting ya target 135 damage while personal ion deals about 124 ish. its very very very easy to miss on ya 3 shots because the dam recoil is so much.

    the sidearms like revolvers,pistols,heavy pistols,carbine,silenced carbine,some tib pistols(forgot there name) there just alternatives ya can use then ya silenced smg.also its to increase the weapon loot pool for sbh's.

    patch hise explosive rifle always forget the name of it thats not to powerfull to use its just something new to sbh's there laser rifle's 

  8. a squad typ of sytem sounds like a great and hopefully it is added in the expension and for normal renegade x maps. 

    the squad system would be nice if they have the ability to share credits or donate credits into the squad system. 

    the shared credits/system would also make it easier for them then to have 1 focus on building defences/structure's while the other 3 sometimes donate in there or give it to there builder.

    could also have it be something different. when ya in a squad or just make a squad. it costs  1000 start credit to create a squad.ya earn bonus squad points. these points ya could use to upgrade ya squads base health.armor this stacks with the promotions they are removed when ya leave a squad. 

    some other use for squad points could be to upgrade base health or only the hp and armor of buildings u produce. ya can also buy non powerdt version of base defences there somewhat decent and easily destroyed but also share the upgrades of it. for non base building maps i can see the turrets being the only added bennefit for the hp/armor upgrade.

    squad points upgrades+ cost system could work like credits then at a rate of 0.5 points per second per squad member squad assist and kills in close prox give bonus points.

    -3000 points to upgrade ya base characters  health by 10% per upgrade this apply's to infantry characters only

    -3000 points to upgrade ya armor rating by 10% per upgrade apply's to infantry characters only

    -8000 increase the buildings health and armor ya squad build by 8% per upgrade.on defence's this is 16% 

    -1000 to buy a machine gun sentry it hase 225 health and 225 armor.

    -1500 rocket sentry. 150 hp and 450 armor.

    -3000-10.000 points aidrops a weak to strong vehicle to ya current location ya plant the beacon at.it takes about 10-25 second to deliver a vehicle. it all depands on if its a weak or strong vehicle. its airdropt in with a transport of the specific factions.

    -6000 reduce the costs of building ya squad builds by 5% can be researched like 5-10 times



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  9. there 2 speed boosts in the game the normal 15% speed boost that just anounces the enemy or allyed player that pickt it up this one stays active for like 5 min apply's  to vehicles also. ofcourse this is also removed when ya die.

    the neo crate double ya speed by 100%?. this one lasts for like 90 seconds or untill ya enter a vehicle. this is the ones thats kinda dumb tho enter a vehicle effect is gone even if ya only enterdt for a second  to not get hit by an explosive the effect is gone instantly. this is the one that the people get and some of the fun ones also because of that increased speed boost.

  10. 6 hours ago, Sarah. said:

    That would fall under Post Process Effects, which was removed from the settings menu purposefully.

    oh oke any chance that this effect could be brought back?

    having it being optionall sounds better like giving it a possible buff to people using it. for example moving faster in water if ya have it on with it slowing ya down if ya have the option toggled of.

  11. altho this tactic is dirty why not instead ask them to add a way for people to build turrets in there own base using the beacon animation.

    ya buy a beacon ya place it down taking couple of seconds then afther 30 section a guard tower/turret or whatever is build there.this allows the players themselfs to build defences in a better position instead of it being open right now.

    there should be a high cost attatcht to this with costs depanding on what defence ya want.

  12. the water effects that at first ya could toggle from like last months patch hase been broken for some time.i always used to disable these effects but,thats no longer possible to do. ya can even trigger the water blurr effect if ya just stand on it an angle ya camera to check above making it go underwater partially.is this intended or just a broken option checkt patchs notes to see if it was intended but nothing in there that would tell me it was intended.

  13. lowering the player count on the maps wont solve anything.the people that play renegade x arent in such a large ammount heck even people dont join if the player count is low like 20-30.thats also me included i like the bigger player count i would even like if it it was possability to up the player count to like 80.

    other then that why not add an anti base lock mechanic in the maps for example. gdi keeps baselocking in nod,due to the baselocking in at around 10-15  minutes if the airstrip is still alive the game could airdrop in a  tick tank/bradley's to try and get out of the baselock. the same mechanic could be done for gdi just airdrops in some prototype titans,hover mrls. the other team gets 1 vehicle every 240 seconds untill the baselock is removed. to remove the baselock there building shield or hp need to take any typ of damage.

    how the baselock mechanics could works tho is to put in a base aura if things get damaged on there it counts or, make it so that if a building gets hit in a short succesion that it counts. for example if any nod building gets hit it gets a 30 second timer of baselock if the building hit in that time it refreshes the timer. when the other teams building get hit the baselock timer is entirely reset to 0.
    so for example gdi hase baselockt nod in for 8 minutes nod try's to push the field and, fails and gets back in the baselock due to there low health vehicles. the timer is stil 8 minutes. now if they take the field entirely if they dident had a massive ammount of mammoths and they hit the wf. meaning gdi gets baselockt nods baselock timer is 0 again.

  14. how about adding in some more crates in the official servers.more under.

    1.building repair crate. pretty much a random crate that can repair the unfixable damage of buildings like if the shield of a building is 100 but the building itself 1 picking up this crate could give several type's of repairs like 25-50-75 of a full repair.

    2.base health upgrade crate . a crate that increase the max capacity of buildings shield and real health by 5% or 10% per pick-up they would stack infinite times. with the crate spawn rate being very very very low. meaning if ya get lucky with this crate ya base shields and health is currently 100/70 it turns to 105/75. should the base be at full repair already it just turns it to 105/105 then 110/110 etc.

    3.base defence beacon crate . gives the player that picks this up  eather a guard tower,rocket guard tower,turret and if ya have air vehicle's a possible sam site.this beaon could use the same deployment of mines then the defence gets build a couple of seconds later.

    4 building emp crate . destroys eather nods or gdi's depanding on what team picks up up the shields making all building vulnerable if not repaired fast to easy destruction. the emp by itself will give a message with gdi/nod emp activated taking 5-10 seconds to drop in there base..

    5.the old depleetable turret enplacements crate.gives the person that picks it up the old renegade x turrets with it being chance based to which one ya get.


    so what do ya guys think of this?

  15. mathdop how long was this player doing this and by any chance(if ya payed attention) was the player an engineer/tech/hotwire.because a good bit of people will be afk with these characters in buildings with them mostly repairing and standing still tho.wit people being votekick happy there mostly get votekickt out if nobody points out there repairing the buildings.if the servers not full i dont see a problem with people afking repairing.


  16. On 11/10/2020 at 12:33 AM, Try-Out said:

    Imagine ... SBH kills Havoc and grab the RamjetRiffle ...  sounds like Cancer to me


    sorry Chrismaster, but i absolute dislike that Idea

    i kinda like the idea tho brings back the weapon collecting in the original renegade for online. and it wont be much of a problem just limit the sbh's from not being able to pick-up advanced sniper rifle's like they can pick up that toy sniper rifle that deals almost no damage maaybbbbe that normal sniper rifle but not the ramjet+make is like a 10% chance or so to drop the characters weapon they hold +engineers wouldent drop anything and making tech/hotwires drop the repair tool instead would also be a nice option with a rare % for it to be the advanced repair tool. not there normal repair tools

  17. now that firestorm is delayed and the base building is somewhat back with it only being possible in lockt locations why not  inprove this with player owned upgrades+researches to allow more player freedom per match in firestorm maps.

    1. player owned power source upgrades.

    every player on lvl 0 will eather be able to support 1  weak turret of power or none at all  (this is why there 2 different ones back to back with power.)at this level they can still build but. it will take the power from the base.

    to upgrade ya own power source or get it ya need to research it and lvl it up keep in mind that player structures suffer a debuff on the 1st 3 lvls of this if the base hase no power to begin with or to less even tho the defences are supported by the players own power source the 4th research removes this.also keep in mind the turrets placed with there own power source will be named to the player that placed it.

    -lvl 1 allowed people to get a power source from eather the 20-50 or the 0-40 this allows them to build turrets that use there own power supply(this doesnt effect base structures)also while ya have no base power to begin with or not enough to even support this normally even tho ya can support this on ya own ya turrets get a -30% debuff to fire rate and range

    -lvl 2 increases the player power source even more from 50-80 or if ya started with 0 40-90 this upgrade there own power supply this will decrease the debuff if the base hase no power or not enough to -20% even tho the players own is able to support this

    -lvl 3 increases the power from (pre powerdt from 0)80-130 if ya had power and if not  from 90-150 this enables ya to build turrets in the open battlefield,+turrets debuff is at -10% range and fire rate if the base dident have enough power to support it even tho u can.

    -lvl 4 increases the power from 130-200 if ya already started out with power or if not from 150-230 this removes the debuffs from ya turrets range+fire rate and allows ya to construct 1 building max outside of ya outpost(if ya try to build a second one ya 1st building gets destroyed)

    2.player+team armor,hp,base,upgrades+research.

    this is also something i would like to see both a team and a player upgrade on there own ya get several options with max of 5 upgrades.

    -1 is upgrade ya base hp and armor of all ya inf by 5% of base vallue costing 2000-4000-6000-8000-10.000 credits per upgrade. 

    -2.the team one would cost 3000-6000-9000-12.000-15.000. this will also increase it by 5% of the base vallue with the final upgrade enabling on infantry to recover 2% of ya base hp and armor a sec while in combat and 4% while not in combat.

    -3th one will be to increase the tanks health by 10% of base vallue this one would cost per lvl up.2500-5000-7500-10.000-12.500 every upgrade also allows tanks to heal up to a max of 20%-25%-30%-35%-40% of there health.they heal 0.5% of max hp per sec in combat and 1% outside.

    -4th is the team tank one 5% of base hp cost 4000-8000-12.000-16.000-20.000 this also normally gives ya up to 20-25-30-35-40%  hp regeneration if stackt with other it will just stack up to 60% of the tanks max health. with the same 0.5% hp reg in combat and 1% outside. 

    -5th research is the teams defences there range increase increase ya base defence range of attack  by 10-20-30-40-50% respectfully costing ya 4000-8000-12.000-16.000-20.000 per level to upgrade ya base there range

    -6th research is base renewal/reconstruction this is a most have if ya wish to rebuild key structures ya need a ton  of credits tho. every research of this allows ya to rebuild structure with 20% hp more meaning from lvl 1 if ya mobile construction yard is destroyed renewing it will have it start with 20% base hp at lvl 5 the building will be compleetly rebuild to 100%. on the 1st lvl of this it allows ya to repair the structures there damaged hitpoints. by 20% per lvl this is cheaper and can only be done if the shields is atleast at 50% strenght+with a cooldown of 90 seconds. per repair or rebuild the credit costs to research is 7000-14.000-21.000-28.000-35.000 credits with the cost of rebuilding destroyed structures being 3000-6000-9.000-12.000-15.000 repairing is only 2000-3000-4000-5000-6000

    -7specials super power/reinforcements. instead of the ion and nuke being auto unlockt and all let them having to be unlockt 

    -nuke/ion needs 7000 credits to unlock this is teamwide

    -reinforcement beacon (teamwide item)paradrops some player owned ai bots that follow the players+enter there vehicle to support the player if, the vehicle had some turrets. ya place the beacon anywhere and within 10-20 seconds ya will paradrop depanding on what tier this research is at the beacon also cost credits to buy research if 5000-10.000-15.000-20.000 the beacon itself is 500-1000-2000-3000. with the 2th tier dropping 1 engineer and the 3th and 4th a better one with other infantry ofcourse.

    -tank drop beacon allows a player to unlock+buy a permanent kept on death vehicle beacon+the cost of beacon will increase if wf/air is destroyed. the beacon is destroyed on use but kept on death and characters swaps. the player can depanding on the research lvl call in more powerfull vehicles-the uber ones wouldent want people to just drop in a mammoth mk2. ya can also buy multiple different beacons with beacons being lockt on the level of the research. the beacons cost would be normally x2 the vehicle cost with no wf/air being x3.KEEP IN MIND THERE SINGLE USE ITEMS THAT ARE KEPT AFTHER DEATH AND CHARACTER SWAPS. beacond research costs 3000-5000-7000-10.000 per rank up .




  18. 6 hours ago, Caeris said:

    Maybe they make it like the old Renegade mods with some amount of money.
    If the base got a construction yard all buildings heal by themself by 3%/1sec.

    If i think about the old times a guard tower was able to build with 800 credits and a guardian turret with 1400 credits.
    It was also possible to rebuild destroyed buildings with around 5000+ credits.

    We´ll see what the future holds on. 😊

    the base heal would ofcourse only be active when its under a certain tresshold ofcourse because 3% per 1 sec seems a bit much in active combat.

    with the old mods of building stuff the defences could be place anywhere where ya stood when ya called in a !cturret command or !cguard or whatever it was with like a 300-600 seconds per defences cooldown.it was fun to do this. would also be nice if the firestorm would have allowed for special building engineers to construct turrets in the open battle. with thee own power supply. like  every player would have the base power and there own power on there own they can on lvl 0 support like 1 weakest base turret. to upgrade the power on there own they need for 1st upgrade like 1500-2000 credits. this will bring it to 2 weak base turrets or 1 medium one. then for 2n lvl up it costs like 3000-4000 credits. this upgrades it to 4 weak 2 medium or 1 strong one.  then 3th 5000-7000.  6-3-2 respectfully then 4th upgrade costing 10.000-15.000 credits this would allow them to build 1 building outside of the normal base structures also at lvl 3 ya could build weak and medium turrets in the open


  19. the artillery is fine flak is supposed to be more explosive ressistant. having them deal more splash damage to them would negate this armor entirelly just remove the flak armor then.the artillery's on there own are already very powerfull because of these reasons.

    1.they can outheal any hotwire/tech repair gun on any level even heroic vs recruit.

    2.they can angle there cannon to safely deal damage without being in danger.

    3.they take for most of the part the same damage as any other vehicle to explosives and cannon meaning ya can outheal the damage done to ya with a mammoth vs an artillery. with just 1 tech nearby.

    4.they hardly give any credits/points..... ik this all to well destroyed 1 game around 30 artillery's and only these vehicles and only had like 200-250 score of them



  20. instead of them being entirely not possible to airdrop in vehicles why not make it instead if the comm center is destroyed the airdropt vehicles will randomly spawn around the base and somewhat close if not a bit to the entrance/battlefield of the map for example.

    walls ya comp center is down ya call in a vehicle it could spawn close to the tib field on ya factions side nobody can steal it for a couple of seconds but if ya dont get it in time someone else will get it that is the risk ya take from requesting and airdrop of a vehicle there will still be smoke displayign where it will land but it can be anywhere close to the base.

    allterntaively make the vehicle crates also tied to the comp center.unless its a vehicle from the future they will get airdropt in with a message depanding on faction nod picks a nod vehicle kanes forces and found a and old vehicle/normal vehicle in there storages and are airdropping it in. if ya get an enemy vehicle nods froces have stolen a gdi vehicle its getting airdropt in

  21. i like the idea of nvn but they need upgraded or different typ of vehicles and character. to be pickt . for example

    black hand vehicles 

    black hand flame tank there most powerfull vehicle 2000 credits it hase twice the health of flame tank deals 50% more damage then a normal flame tank

    black hand dont have artilery's just upgraded recon bikes 450 cost it hase more health then the nod recon bike

    tick tank replaces the light tank for them with a 800-1000 credit costing vehicle .

    black hand characters

    black hand flamethrower replaces the black hand laser chaingunner this guy deals very high damage to vehicle's and infantry very forgiving on no accurate aim due to there flamethrower being a decent cone size 

    black hand shadow team replaces sbh with 500 more credit cost they wont decloak when there shooting they will only decloak when there using there c4 or other explosives. including the nuke beacon.

    nod vehicles

    upgraded bradley's nods most powerfull  vehicle in this mode   costing also 2000 credits hase 50% more hp and deals 25% more overall dps can be with faster reload or raw damage

    nods light tank gets an upgrade in this mode giving it 200 more armor(health) also increasing it to the medium tank price of 800 credits for this mode.

    nods heavy stealth tank.  1500 credits drops a stealth tank with 200 more armor and instead of 2 ya get 3 missile's per volley. the heavy stealth tank also hase better cloaking tech meaning it can stay cloaked when taking more heavier damage only being decloacked when on less then 20% armor(health)

    nods specific mode characters.

    expert stealth black hand 200-300 more credit cost they have more health and upgraded weapon to deal more damage to inf/tank

    mutant mendoza costing 2000 credits ofcourse nods own epic unit

  22. 9 minutes ago, Mystic~ said:

    I think there's enough video footage of game play already out there to suggest that everything is much faster, hectic and lethal and engineers doing repairs are easily the most undesirable and boring aspect of the game in general, I'm not saying some people don't enjoy doing this role, they do, but not every game is going to have enough of these none combat players enthusiastically repairing tanks and there are things that can be implemented to remove some of the laborious and unnecessary chore work from some areas of the game. It's not just risk of snipers though, it the new tank classes, it's the change in elevations, flying infantry, digging tanks, higher explosive rounds, fast bike/buggy with decent guns etc. Much of existing ren depends on surviving by hiding behind the tank or in cover, which is changed by the new tank profiles, but also the maps are much larger and more open... and do we really want to make it necessary to force so many into a repair role? 

    Constantly listening to "I need repairs", especially when it's just for minor/moderate damage does my ears in and it's frustrating there isn't something one can do to self-heal, at least partial damage. I'm not sure what radio commands will be like in firestorm, but they can't stray too far from the original else it will be too confusing, but these are my predictions, maybe others who have had the opportunity to play it in a competitive game can comment on this side of things.

    should this be the case for the general firestorm release why not suggest some alternatives. for example 

    1.allow players to buy a basic or advanced repair crew.these crew could be like 1 or 2 ai controlled by your command engineers or techs. they will be fully in your command like if ya tell them to get in if there is space the 1 or 2 techs/engineer will get in if ya use the command i need repairs they get out to heal ya.

    2. another thing is buy a short or permanent till death buff to repair ya overtime. remember the footage of the game with them having certain features like repair beacons,turret(darn it i want that back wasent around at that time).they could inplant that with the cons of not healing enemy's ofcourse like buy a temporal repair,heal whateber beacon for 300 credits it activates at 50% then for 30-60 seconds it just heals/repairs ya for like 2%-3% a second. then the permanent repair 2000-3000 credits this one heals ya overtime always 1%- a second but comes at the cost of it not working if an engineer/tech/whatever start to heal ya also.ones every 60 seconds if ya under 50% hp ya get an emergency repair of like 10% 

  23. 8 hours ago, Handepsilon said:

    1.Pretty sure weapon drop was not in the base game. It was a server mod I believe

    2.Well in all honesty it's probably just my imagination and bad aim, but I really don't think I kill much more than I do with flame thrower. Speaking of whom, we just found out (or rather... some of us already did but didn't share until now) that the flames' are apparently a bit offsetted to the side a bit and so wasn't accurate looking

    1.played c&c renegade at the start of it skirmish always had the weapons drops of unless ya went in the files and changed the weapon from no to yes. in the online matches the one hosting was able to pick what options to enable or disable. weapon drop was part of it. then the campaign ya had weapon drops also set to on with the same random drop rate of like 10-25% to drop there weapon on death.still remember first encountering the chem warriors in there 2 headshots got me both of there chem rifle. then other time i played it in that section got nothing of them.

    2. the flametrooper in general is a very hard to play character to pick due to small cone now if the target stands still ya can melt him in like 40 shots. compare that to the other class for this the grenadier stand still and ya death within 2 shots.the grenadier is mostly always the victor even while fighting multiple flamethrowers is due to the splash damage.now if the flamethrowers shared there c&c renegade counterparts that would have been subject to change the flamers in there are more forgiven with bad aim due to the larger flamer cone in there instead of the pin point accuracy one in renegade x.


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