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  1. I ended up doing the "Stop Download" and restarting later for the DL to finish quickly. I personally didn't have applying problems, but since I saw others having it, I included the issue in my first post, since others had it and was afread that I was going to suffer the same thing, since I was posting the first post as I was DLing and seeing the problem of highly fluctuating and massively dropping DL speeds. I use SSD's connected by SATA.
  2. The fact that this is happening at all leaves a lot of questions to be asked. Most game companies figured out how to prevent this problem a long time ago that solutions to it became industry standard, even when your in Alpha and Beta Builds. So what gives? We shouldn't be seeing early 2000's, infancy of broadband speeds and unreliability. It was one thing for the Original C&C Renegade to come out in the early 2000's and have to fight with such slow speeds and unreliability DL and installations, but that was way back when most people still only had Dialup on a single core processor, years before the first dual core, before anyone ever saw 2GHz. Most of us here are going to have at least a Quad core, at or past 3GHz with a broadband connection of 5MBs to 200MB DL speeds. I a sorry for the hard ragging, but we really shouldn't be seeing such slow DL and install speeds for this. The baseline hardware everyone uses now for both computer and internet is roughly 50 to 100 times better then what we had for gaming machines in early 2000's.
  3. I am running into some very adnormally slow DL speeds as well. My ISP itself supports 200MB DL, 6MB upload. At first it was ok, 10MB to 20MB DL speeds. Then it starts fluctuating a lot and I start seeing speeds as low as 400KB. Now I am seeing DL speeds as low as 40KB or even just %KB and I am like, "what in the H311 is throttling this so badly that I am seeing early 2000, infancy of broadband speeds?" If the Devs are making the Gameplay servers share hardware with the file servers, then that would explain a lot and someone needs to tell them that the industry has changed since trhe early 2000's, you don't share server hardware and direct internet connection between the game servers and the file servers any more, it leads to massive packet loss and easy data corruption, when the file server is sharing hardware and internet line with the gameplay servers. MMO's learned that before 2010 and that idea became an industry standard for all games afterwards, simply because of the sheer stability difference made it worth for all companies both big and small.
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