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Everything posted by nicouber

  1. agggg i will have to wait until night (5hrs, 23 kb/s WT*?) ... i don't even have UT3 but i want to have the mod saved XDDDDDD
  2. thank you all ...still waiting... XDDD
  3. an AMD X2 5000+, with a ATI radeon 4830 512, 2GB DDR2 will support fine Ren-x ? (sorry but I'm getting nervous) XDD
  4. santiago form chile... actually 13:58 (GMT -4) ... keep on waiting
  5. will it include a installation "wirzard" or you are going to do a "do-it-yourself" installaion? i suck when installations requieres too many steps
  6. nicouber


    and what about a aiming down the sight?? sry for my english, i only played sp renegade because in my country there was never a server for it so i just ask because there's almost no fps (even 3rd person) game without that incorporation...
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