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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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  • Birthday 06/01/1999

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. You can always apply here: https://totemarts.games/jobs/beta-tester.html
  2. I didn't know you for a long time, just almost a year.. However, I have known that you're one of the most respected and talented developers I have ever met either irl or online. Thank you for making the games of my dreams and bringing joy to us, wish you the best of luck in your career and life. -FIREMEDO the soontm man
  3. Where is muh Pharotek
  4. eNgLiSh
  5. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm damn that is sick
  6. Really appreciate your work on the game..just a suggestion: When a building is destroyed, you can replace it (or replaced automaticly) but after a certain amount of time (using the base building feature shown in the alpha) I guess this will prevent the load on the engine and at the same time will add some elements of base building for main structures.
  7. Will we see the tiberium creatures from the original TS ? (Keep it up guys, you're the best !)
  8. About base building limitation, how much will it be limited ?
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