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Everything posted by Hicks

  1. Another small but annoying bug! Sometimes it happens that when you exit the tanks with the engineer or tech/hotty you exit with the repair beam on. 1054739250_UDK(UnrealDevelopmentKit)basedgames2021_01.15-13_01.27_01.mp4
  2. I also add that this gives syd/rave a chance to win against doza/moby in a close match, while it is currently almost impossible.
  3. I only raised this question because in the past I was an instantgib player in a q3 based game. My proposal, maybe to try only in one release and then consider whether to keep it or not, is to remove the delay and slightly reduce the range so that the rail is not very effective from long distance. This way syd/rave does not lose their nature against buildings and tanks but against other players they cannot hide and shoot from long range. What do you think?
  4. I imagined something like this but it's a shame i like instantgib mode too much
  5. Is it possible to eliminate the delay regarding the shooting of Sydney/Raveshaw?
  6. I've been aware of this for some time now, but when you try to remove bots from a team, they are not removed! In the video, I started a game and added 20 bots to both teams. At some point in the game I decided to remove my team's bots, the result is what you see in the video! 1917879949_UDK(UnrealDevelopmentKit)basedgames2021_01.12-19_24.49_01.mp4
  7. Ok, I hope to see the new votes in the game soon
  8. Are you sure that with the stank or the MRL you shoot the locked target with secondary fire? It seems to me that with the secondary fire you shoot straight, but maybe I don't remember well ...
  9. In this case I don't know how I could be of help Why not? If it is presented publicly it is public information, we might as well make it accessible at any time. Given that the votes 2, 4 and 5 can be reworked at any time, I show you my point of view: 1) Now, after thinking about it, I tell you that I don't know how useful it is since there is already a map restart vote ... restarting the map also includes team shuffle, right? 2) This mode is often played in low pop games but often someone breaks the given rule and you are forced to restart the map. This vote provides that when you have reached a minimum of n players per team, you start playing seriously. Perhaps when this limit is reached, a warning may also appear on the screen informing players. 3) The voting map is the classic vote of FPS games, it is very useful when you want to play a map that does not appear in the list of possible maps. 4) Playing with the beacon in low pop games ruins the game itself because there is a high probability of not having time to disable it. It ruins the game even when everyone is not using it and the rookie enters and starts using the beacon everywhere. 5) Winning low pop games with commander powers is very easy especially when the other team is made up of rookies. Also in this case when a minimum of n players per team has been reached, it is possible to vote for the commander. Perhaps when this limit is reached, a warning may also appear on the screen informing players. In any case, I am of the opinion that having the possibility of a few more votes does not ruin the game but rather improves it because the players decide anyway and nothing is imposed by the developers. Think about it
  10. LOL true True too, I spoke without seeing the code. I guess the language is C, in any case I accept the challenge. I'm not a C programmer, I know C# very well, I work there! You give me the list of variables involved and I propose three solutions: 1) I write a class in C#, this class will have two functions, the first function simply returns the list of players in the teams so that they are as balanced as possible at the start of the game while the second function returns the damage modifier associated with each one every time that changes the team MMR. Once I have written the class in C# I will take care of writing the wrapper to make C# communicate with C or C++ depending on the language in which the game is developed. 2) I try to write the two functions in C which you will then have to correct because as I said I don't work with unmanaged languages. 3) alternatively I write you the two functions in C# without the wrapper, then you write the two functions in C/C++ based on my code. Personally I prefer solution 3 because it is the fastest and simplest solution. Obviously it won't be immediate since I still work and write these functions in my spare time. Finally I ask you if it is possible to make the team-MMR appear under the team score when you press the TAB key and to consider the votes I suggested above. I apologize if I was unclear, I use google translate to write in the forum
  11. Like the tank wreckers ... we have a sure future 15573261_UDK(UnrealDevelopmentKit)basedgames2021_01.11-13_38_31_02.mp4
  12. Sorry if I insist, but I realized from the last few games that at least the votes from 2 to 5 are absolutely necessary. In any case, I also wanted to reiterate that a team balancing system, in addition to being necessary, is also quite simple to implement.
  13. Read this:
  14. I agree The way exists, try using the right mouse click and see what happens ...
  15. It is not clear to me what you mean, could you explain yourself better?
  16. Does anyone else want to have their say?
  17. Hi Cheesemonk and thanks for responding. I have some doubts about something you wrote, but about something else I agree. To this Fffreak9999 replied. In any case, every time I start a new game session, depending on the server I find the MMR at over 1000. IF the MMR were reset at each new session I should have it at zero and the MMR would no longer make sense to exist. It wouldn't make sense if individual MMRs were dropped for each session, as everyone would start with their individual MMR reset to zero, however, if someone had a high MMR, they wouldn't have all this benefit by playing poorly in a losing game, their MMR would drop very little. and the next session would still have a high MMR. 1) I agree 2) I agree with you on this too but it often happens to me that being part of these games and the biggest difficulty is to warn the players who have just joined, if you forget to tell them before the minimum number decided for is reached to start destroying buildings, we end up with one team playing by the rules and the other not. A vote like this would simply avoid the problem of having to restart the map. 3) I occasionally enter an empty server and look for a particular map (usually "Field" or "Lake Side NvN") in which adding the bots, to wait for other players, they are unable to destroy the buildings and therefore when someone enters the game they do not find their base half destroyed by my bots. To find one of these two maps I am often forced to continually make map change votes wasting so much time that I could use to play. 4) We think the same about this In any case, I forgot another vote that I would like to propose: 5) No commander before there are <n> players PS: Sorry for my bad english, i used google translate to write my posts.
  18. Hi everyone, I am writing to suggest possible small improvements to the game. Many of these would also avoid a lot of controversy during the game. To begin with: a key to call up the mmr on the screen. I often wonder what Team-MMRs are and to find out I have to wait for it to appear on the screen. It would be handy to have the opportunity to recall this information. to vote a commander would help a lot to have the list of teammates, as it happens for the kick vote. Currently I am forced to write the nick in full and if I miss even one character the vote fails one way to balance teams would be to have players leveled in damage caused with single mmr versus the player with the highest mmr up to a maximum of double or triple damage. This way you would have balanced teams without having to upset the game code. (I'm a programmer too and I know what it means to put my hand back to code) Simple example that could be used as a starting point for something better (in this case I used double damage as an example): | MMR | Damage | ---------------------------------------- GDI | 1300 | | | | | giocatore A | 1000 | x 1 | giocatore B | 300 | x 2 | | | | ---------------------------------------- Nod | 1400 | | | | | giocatore C | 900 | x 1/.9 | giocatore D | 500 | x 2 | | | | ---------------------------------------- Then the following votes would also be very useful: Shuffle teams No buildings kill before there are <n> players Vote map <map name> No Beacons No commander before there are <n> players What do you think? Let me know
  19. Thanks so much for the explanation
  20. Thank you very much
  21. Lately I have seen suspicious players on servers, that is, with infallible aim or who manage to destroy a base only with a gunner in a few minutes without having to return to its base to reload ammunition. I would like to make videos of my gaming sessions, so then you will tell me if it's just my suspicion or if they are really cheaters!!! But I have no doubts about this.
  22. maybe getting the game to kick the afk players at least after two or three minutes would help. Anyway, what exactly is team-mmr?!?
  23. First, what exactly is Team-MMR? Intuitively it is a measure of the team's ability based on the previous results of individual players on that server. But what it really is I don't know. Can anyone explain it? I then come back to an issue that has been addressed countless times in the forum... I am of the opinion that the lack of a team balancing system often makes the game frustrating, especially for new players. I often see games where there is a very strong team and a team made up mostly of new players who have no hope of winning and in this case adding bots worsens the problem because the stronger team will use the bots to grow faster!!! Take what I'm writing a bit as a provocation but above all as a constructive criticism, the management of the teams in the game is ridiculous and could easily be improved (not optimized) by using the mmr of the individual players to obtain a minimum of team balance. Mine is a tip to prevent a new player from installing the game from trying it and uninstalling it immediately afterwards.
  24. Hicks

    Fair play?!?

    I'm talking in general, not fpi servers that use a threshold of at least 30 players for the beacon. The point is that the thresholds (to buy the beacon or to use commander powers) are decided on the server side, not by the developers. In this regard, developers can do a lot, an example for all is the implementation of thresholds in the code and no longer decided by the servers.
  25. Hicks

    Fair play?!?

    Here I am again with another question, very important in my opinion; fair play! I just wanted to clarify two points also to get feedback on how I should behave myself. 1) A long time ago they pointed out to me that using nukes or ions in games with few people was not correct because it would ruin the game and it was immediately clear. From that moment on, every time someone uses super weapons I point it out, but often they either answer me badly or continue to use super weapons without any shame. The most shameful thing I often see is the use of super weapons by the team that is winning in heavily unbalanced matches! 2) The second point concerns the powers of commander. Until recently, I had no problem using commander powers even in 1v1 games until they pointed out, as with super weapons, that in games with few people it is not necessary to use powers. From that moment on I point it out and as usual they either answer me badly or they don't care or even, as happened yesterday, they accuse me of not playing correctly and then they do it anyway. How would it be right to act in these cases? I like to play and I like to play according to the rules of fair play but I realize that it is often useless and counterproductive. I would like the developers, in addition to solving the issue of balance in the game, to set a threshold on the number of players to be able to use super weapons and commander powers. I'd love to know what you think too.
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