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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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  1. I'd to leave this for our best memories... Find your best episodes of RenX to post here, I had many in my game period, here is one I managed to capture, but regret not saving all of them, so I post it here as a memory, I watch It sometimes, so do you too ahah
  2. Dear mods, devs, I have a problem w renx launcher which started happening with my new laptop. When I open renx lanch while charging all is fine, but the moment I unplug it and start launch, my laptop freezes... What I can do with that
  3. In my opinion, you do not need to expect fair play in few people games cause it is usually not for real, especially if you play w newbies
  4. @em0_g0blin thanks to em0 I do not need to remind myself what maps to think of. 1. Arctic Stronghold 2. Reservoir 3. Xmountain 4. Walls 5. Islands most competitive top 5 in my view
  5. DontCallMeDaddy


    personal vechs storage in update needed!
  6. Idk why, but I checked other maps. Same issue where smoke does not work for AGT, but works for OBI. Smoke screen is essential when trying to sneak into base. It makes Nod defense hopeless and big advantage for GDI team not to worry about unscheduled visits from Nod commander. If it was made for a case I think there should be a substitute for Nod's smoke screen.. For example, making all inf stealth for 10 secs lol
  7. Smoke screen does not work for AGT Renegade X (64-bit, DX9) 2020-08-21 16-39-06.mp4
  8. DontCallMeDaddy

    lost commander

    Diary of unknown lost commander . @isupreme
  9. DontCallMeDaddy

    lost commander

    When commander is just there
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