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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Posts posted by MammothMKII

  1. 9 hours ago, Xtractor said:

    Would like a mod like ET:QW or Dirty Bomb..Objective thing

    1 team is defense and the other is Attacker ..

    On a timer

    Attackers :you have to reach an objective to advance more in the map until you reach the Final objectif to win.

    Defenders: Defend the objectifs at all cost ;)

    Some kind of mod under these Basic type

    Oh yes! I second that, and then each objective will be a building that's defended first by small base defenses, and then the final objective will have an Obby/AGT defending it (in addition to the players)

  2. In order to organize this, we can announce this (and find new players) on the Discord server, I saw tons of them joining these few days. We can even make a discord "tag" or group for newer players, making it easier to reach them in a group ping (That's what Dawn of War II Elite discord does, they have "initiates" who just joined recently, and they would organize events targeted to that group). I suggest we can do this on the weekend right before PUG time. What do you guys think?

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  3. Hey everyone! @Snow and I were thinking of making a tutorial session for newcomers over VC to go over the basics of RenX gameplay,.

    I am thinking of having 2-3 mentors per team over VC, and if there's enough interest we can go over more advanced strategies and do commander training. What do you guys think? Any suggestions for the format?


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  4. 4 hours ago, Marinealver said:

    So another question is how would the Mammoth Tank Mk2 be treated. I think it would be best as a Moving Building that has more firepower than an Advanced Guard Tower that you just move to the other base.

    I like how that sounds! MammothMKII approves

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  5. EXACTLY!!!! Having fresh blood means the expectations are low, and good ol' simple strategies mostly work. The commander can actually chill and not stress the hell out to devise a strategy every 30 seconds. Although too many players asking what is "ref" or "PP" when I say "rocket rush meet ref", which is cute and funny (Now i write out the full building names when calling rushes)

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  6. On 6/29/2020 at 12:25 PM, DarkRavenBest said:

    I hope in firestorm update gunplay and netcode will be fixed, cuz most of the weapons feels like a nerfguns and close combat feels like dance to death praying to luck. 

    I think they mention that point in the dev talk, the gunplay is  A BIG IMPROVEMENT from RenX, with weapons having a "feel" to them and actually packing a punch (in addition there's a combat roll now, DO A BARREL ROLL)

  7. Hmm, I actually enjoy commanding (occasionally), it's as rewarding as it is difficult, and the main reason why one would shy away from commanding, is as @Madkill40 already said, toxic criticism. Everyone's here to enjoy the game (commander included), and the last thing one wants to hear is that they're losers or that they sucked. One thing we can do as a community is "initiate" people into commanding roles in smaller games for example, where the pressure is lower.


    On another note, commanding in RenX teaches real life leadership skills, such dealing with high stress situations or toxic team-mates, and claiming opportunities in a narrow window of time.

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  8. Yup, totally agree Ryz, and yesterday I experienced that firsthand on a Lakeside game I was commanding on GDI. All the new players were on GDI and we were just getting spawn-sniped and locked in base. We did try every single rush/strategy/teamwork possible on lakeside to no avail, as dtdesign mentioned, there was no prospect of winning. Every rush was getting slaughtered, and the game ending was more of a relief (and you know there's a problem when you're just happy the game ended).

    Some suggestions:

    1-  Press to start ( as suggested by Snow) to avoid AFKs in the beginning of the game (where one team will have more AFKs than the other)

    2-  Until autobalancing can be properly implemented, implement manual moderator balancing at peak times. I know this means a person needs to manually do that, but I think this only needs to be done at peak times.

    3- In my opinion, this issue is URGENT, we're losing prospective players just so a select few can get their fun, and between this and the DDOS, it can get very frustrating for someone who wants to get into the game, which hinders the growth of this community

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