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Everything posted by shado

  1. Best wishes!
  2. I think they should put a machine gun on top of the harvester. As for your idea, a new radio command, I have seen MANY people rush to repair the harvester, as well they should, but do not pay any mind at all to their surroundings, and while running right next to it, also get blown to pieces by a c4 literally next to their head. Hm, maybe they should be a bit more aware of their surroundings though lol
  3. And looking to our left, we see the Double-Mammy+Infantry in its natural habitat. Not to be confused with the Mammy-MRLS.
  4. shado

    I'm out

    I never knew you, but you sound like an awesome person. Thank you! For ALL of the work you've done! Lots of people are grateful for you, no doubt about that. Come back when you are ready! If not, I hope you find what you are looking for in your life! You DESERVE IT!
  5. Whhaaaatttttt?! Well, definitely did not know that, I stand corrected. Awesome! Thanks!
  6. My two-cents, far less informational than the last person who responded...I too have looked for players on the 'original' ren servers. Sadly, the players are sorely lacking. Renegade-X was my second choice >_< I am not totally disappointed though, as the game so far, (minus a few absolutely mind boggling features available to players...) is pretty cool. I'd rather the old, but, there just doesn't seem to be interest anymore. This is the next best thing I suppose. Welcome back!
  7. shado

    Stuck lol

    Oh no no I am terrible at shooting lol. I am nearly always a techie. At least then I am useful
  8. shado

    Stuck lol

    Zoned into game and figured I'd hop a ride to the action in this two-seater Apache.. which was a surprise. Then I accidentally hit the button to get out of a vehicle... and found myself stuck up here on the rock formation in the second. Naturally my valiant compatriots didn't come to save me.
  9. shado


    Ice under the snow sucks. That is all.
      • 2
      • Thanks
      • Sad
  10. UPDATE: I DO NOT have a steam account. I wasn't paying attention when I was filling in things on here, so that linked profile definitely isn't me. You are welcome to keep harassing whoever that is to be your 'friend' lol. I don't use steam, and infact, questioned its usefulness in-game earlier today. There are plenty of other 'overlays' that are better than steam imo. Sorry  :P

  11. Agree with TRRDroid.
  12. shado


    Awesome! I'm not much of a discord user, even when it was vent/ts3 lol. But I will jump on anyway to see what everyone is up to. So far so good, thank you!
  13. About to go wreck some faces in-game! (More like repair buildings lol)

  14. shado


    I am an old Renegade player. LOVED Ren back when it was... ren. I suppose it still is, just a new face. I like the changes to Ren-x, but, it isn't 'old ren'. Anyway, I heard you guys have a forum and that it is 'active'. I LOVED forums back then and still do. That is about it, I played renegade, Lineage, etc, and now am back. I see lots of new faces, or at least new names. I like to follow on Instagram and occasionally post screengrabs to failbook and Instagam. So hi and thanks for having me!
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