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Everything posted by Harvester

  1. same soundbug with: realtek audio & nvidia audio (hdmi)
  2. When I try to join a server directly from the launcher screen and then press the huge join server button, the game starts changing fullscreen mode and crashes. If I start the game manually and then join the server via the multiplayer server list it works fine, it makes no difference if the mirror starts via the launcher or directly.
  3. hi, your referenced me to this in board from discord. was having some fun on "ct custom test & map server" for some rounds. than you liked to remove me again. the reason i asked for, this banned "hacker" wasn't "hacking" at least on this server, as you know and could see yourself. if you like to call it as it. ok, my last abusive gameplay, this ban result is acceptable for, was in survival bot server. so will this bans continue? Greetings Harvester
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