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  1. Tell them to move to America.
  2. …now getting close to 8 1/2 years… just upload it already…surely it’ll be better than half the current maps…
  3. I know this will be unpopular--but I've decided I now hate the barn.
  4. It just says it's a dangerous website trying to steal my information.
  5. Literally no one? I’m actually not trolling here…I know, it’s shocking…
  6. I swear I drove a mmk2 years ago on Cynthia’s server—
  7. Sounds like the purchase terminal bug is alive and well—it’s not you, it’s the game
  8. Anyone else have issues with their antivirus RE this site? Been getting warnings for months—
  9. How’s the saying go? Something like, If you meet someone and they’re an asshole, that’s all it is—they’re an asshole. But if you’re meeting assholes all day, the problem isn’t that they’re all assholes—it’s that you’re the asshole— I wonder how many inappropriate language points Sarah’ll give me for 5 assholes…err 6…
  10. Is that supposed to mean something? isupreme has way more cred than your burnt toast
  11. Time to ride off into the sunset again—I gave it another go but it’s not the same without the old timers who’ve done passed on. Pour one out for Tytonium, for Plotting Raccoon, for Reaper and Poi, for Yosh56, for Sarah and Euan, for Roweboat (what an aim?), for Irish Medic, for Quin3y, for Angry Scientist (what a dick), brojoe and joebro, rups, ryz, snips, syntharn, for smarthyena, for too sexy for my love, for Coolaids aka Raptorman………and of course…..FOR SHPETIM I hope I made the game a little bit worse for all of you, and all the others I can’t remember anymore…. Maybe Sarah will finish City-X before this game finally dies— PS—I’m taking my catchphrases with me—no one is aloud to use them, especially NOD CANT FINISH
  12. Don't you dare remove this Sarah! It's a genius idea the devs need to hear!
  13. THIS. Literally the first thing I did when I found Ren-x was try to get a sbh sniper. There should be a server where every player is always a sbh sniper.
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