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Everything posted by Killertomate

  1. The maps are great. The pug was still not playable for me because people weren't competent enough to download AND test the maps in advance with bots and therefore had too many system crash problems.
  2. IMHO this whole stacking/balancing issue discussion is just a waste of time and energy. However, as mentioned by op, relatively early in the game it is pretty clear which team is going to loose. I don't see a problem in that. The problem is that the match might still take 60 minutes and people get bored and leave the server. So basically the game needs to be over faster! Make the crates more powerful, make the harv faster and stuff like that ... Accept that having lots of cool tactical fair matches on pub servers is an impossible goal or a "Luftschloss" as we Germans would call it
  3. Sometimes ppl on public matches get angry because one team is too good and they get rushed down quickly. Construction yard helps not in this situation. Sometimes ppl on public matches get angry because a map takes way to long (Under, Field, ...). In this situation a construction yard might be counter productive because this might increase the time even more. And it adds unnecessary complexity to the game. So all in all I am against the idea of an construction yard. Maybe as a tech building though ...
  4. RenX can be very funny in small games too (at least on some maps). Why not introduce a second leaderboard for clans/teams for those small (e.g. 5v5) games. I think the actual player base would be big enough to have enough clans/teams to play such small games competitively/just for fun and maybe it would help to increase the player base. I don’t know how much “work” such a second leaderboard would be (people could post results in this forum e.g.) … but it would be worth a shot imho.
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