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Everything posted by Jamrd
QUOTE (Demigan @ May 2 2009, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think it's a bit of light laughter mate, and I've seen plenty of mammoth rushes fail in the past, because with good teamwork on the Nod side, they can be eliminated. Made me chuckle anyway
I'm sure you could have asked in a different manner lol!
QUOTE (epicelite @ Apr 29 2009, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but.... Hmmmz, I'll sleep on it
QUOTE (Spycon @ Apr 29 2009, 03:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly... and that's something of a relief in my eyes, especially as you won't get a character bloody vibrating etc. The April update is a perfect example lol
Shame... classic game and got to love the all mighty words... FINISH HIM/HER Fatality B)
QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Apr 29 2009, 08:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :blink: :unsure:
I have 7 Mega Drives (or Genesis), 1 Mega Drive II and 2 Master Systems (1 is the Mega Drive converter). I own both MK1 and MK2, but also MK - Triology on the playstation (yep, the original disc, almost spanking new). The majority of the systems I own like the Mega Drives were from car boots, bundled with the games so I "accumulated" the systems aswell lol! The game is classic especially the first when you enter the blood code, A,B,A,C,A,B,B ... beautiful :-D
I'll have something for you to look at soon, just messing with a few "tip" ideas, the part of the gun that actually produces the beam, not overly sure how complex your able to model the animation of a weapon, so I'll throw a few ideas on the table :-)
Well there is a list of things that are done so far and the amount of progress made, once the checklist is complete, alpha testing begins and then a rough release date is announced, which ofcourse can change at any point due to the usual constraints (which can be expected). So really, just take it in your stride and be patient, and why doubt the mod? It's renegade on steroids and viagra in hugh's bunny's mansion, you going to love it ;-)
Well even without the oppotunity to do so, if beta testing goes ahead then it wouldn't be long after that it's released, afterall, the point of beta testing is to iron out the bugs ;-)
QUOTE (Spycon @ Apr 26 2009, 05:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lucky B**tards lol!
Since 1995, played the game on my Mum's friends PC, I built a Power Plant and a Barracks and lost... ah... good times haha!
QUOTE (Killa @ Apr 23 2009, 12:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah sure, who would I send my images too? Yourself? Fobby? :-)
Ok, not sure what the rules are on this kind of thing but I would imagine if anything can help the development of the mod then it's all good. Anyway, just had a thought. About a year back I was working with a mod team based on a game called "Tribes Vengeance", the team was called Rise. http://www.project-rise.org/news.php The mod as you can imagine was similar in project to your own accept it used Crysis as it's platform rather than Unreal Tournament 3. The mod it's self was set to re-create Tribes Vengeance with graphical and physics enhancements aswell as a whole new host of features and technical tweaks. the story of Tribes Vengeance is a whoful one, the game it's self was finished and released and at first well supported and played but in a short amount of time the developer, Sierra Entertainment, abandonded supporting it and eventually it was left to the community to simply iron out what it could. As time went on the sommunity began to shrink and the game layed waste to hardcore enthusiats and mod makers. So this layed the bones for something greater and a recreation was born, hence project rise (currently under way even to this day), so as it goes this is not the first project I had on my wish list of things to research and find because it's a classic idea and there are too many people in the world too smart not to make such a project a reality. Anyway, me rambling on, I'll get tot he point. I was one of few concept artists... now can well imagine your full of talent here and my abilities, rusty as they are will more or less be useless but I'd like to share some of the "legal" images I'm "allowed" to show you of rise, then I'll ask for your opinion on the point of all this talking ;-) Thhe images below are a set developed to replace the games most powerful handhelp weapon, the Mortar Gun. The first incredibly rough pad I made for the gun, nothing speacial and like I say, me and the founder went over this sheet for a good few days before anything else was sketched up. This is somewhere in the reagion of 2nd stage development, any furhter and it begins to reveal far more about the specific features and development of the gun it's self. Anyway, to my point, would you consider more if I was able to take suggestions on the repair gun and say... mail the images or results of it directly to fobby/member of dev team? I don't want any special credit or anything, just to know I helped if atall would be enough really :-)
QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Apr 22 2009, 02:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah I kind of figured really, it was a spur of the moment idea, I mean to have it working in UT2004 and onwards they must have had a slight bonus, for example 1 beam is the equivilant of 1.0 or 100% and 2 beams was the equivilant of 2.25 repair rate or 225%, a bonus of 25%. Something to think about as it then prmots the idea of team play among engineers, the more connected beams the greater the bonus (rounding the beam intensit by about 4 times the bonus, or 4 beams into 1). I think it's worth thinking about as it's a decent feature in the Unreal series anyway.
If you go to google and look at the Command and Conquer Renegade packaging, you'll see the "Renegade" title on the packaging has this particular R, it's just edited slightly colored red witha drop shadow effect.
QUOTE (dyslexicdavey @ Apr 21 2009, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, the link gun in UT does something similar, the beam bends to the direction of the target your healing, no extreme bends just curves until the bend is too acute to be linked. And I think alot of you have missed the point, or just not used the link gun much in either UT3 or UT2004 :-)
I edited the "R" and came up with a yellow one to suit my profile, can I ask why it was removed? EDIT* Right upon reading the rules in your forums I suppose it's somehing I would have to abide by but for future reference I would suggest getting rid of the topic that openly suggests that your allowed to edit them yourself and simply use the avatar as your own official mark. So in effect this topic was a little misleading to me :-P Oh and as a suggestion, I would prefer you mailed me about using an avatar than replace it with something else :-/
QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Apr 21 2009, 12:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I was refering to the link ability, where by 1 beam links to another to double the rate of repair, it's been the case that i've seen many engineers and techs repairing the same structure... but I sppose it was a silly suggestion as to have a double the beam rate you would need 2 people, so you may aswell have them seperate, and that's something Renegade doesn't dom ;-)
QUOTE (Galen @ Feb 18 2009, 06:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Took the words out of my mouth... if not R.I.P then it won't be the same again... makes you wonder what other developers are doing differently, mind you EA has the Sims (currently due for release as sims 3 on Jun 5th, i know this as my gf constantly reminds me :-P).
Closest thing I think leagally your allowed to accept money would be in the form of donation toward the dedicated server. After that it is against the law to gain any profit from such a project, even if it is worth more than the game is it's self lol!
QUOTE (epicelite @ Apr 20 2009, 10:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Plus it would be far more boring for the game if that was the case.... As for the gun it's self I had a few ideas for a possible logistic of the device and features that could be considered. Taking from a good example in UT2004, the Link Gun, should 2 users shoot at a friendly vehicle at the same time the beam intensifies and is able to repair vehicles at double the rate, vice versa with it's killing power, this could be utilized by the new generation (or version 2) of the repair gun in your mod. As 2 users shoot 1 target, such as the master control terminal or a vehicle, the beam could be intenisified and repair at double the rate. Extra energy, perhaps have an option for "extra energy"? The gun inherently has 999 (maximum amount of ammo in a gun) per clip and 999 clips as it's energy based it has unlimited energy but the gun have an option to overload for a duration (say 5 second for regualr engineer, and 10 for tech/hotwire) where by it's heavily intenisified to heal at a far greater length but then needs to cool down for a similar duration as a result of the obverload, then have a master cooldown, say to be used 1 every minute so it's not over used. Negative effect, something like an anti-repair effect should the device be used on enemy vehicles and structures/units? I have a few more ideas but I might be going over old ground here? :-S
No problem atall. Well it would be nice to see some changes to the device, Westwood did their best but it's not the best looking gun in the game, and the effect from what I gather that is sparking from the centre is a heavily distorted personal ioncannon projectile effect, (a reneglitch you can see the repair beam go straight at times rather than electronically distorted). that's something else of interest, what effect the device in the mod might project... Oh so many questions ^^ Keep up the fantastic work :-D
QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Apr 20 2009, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah an official one, something that would stand out from the other traditional UT3 servers, but was going to say I would love to help finance that, something like regular Paypal payments or bank transfer etc... I've done this kind of thing in the past, used to play a game called Tribes Vengeance and I funded a server for my clan at the time called Virus.exe (clan name), good times, but I have a good vibe about this mod, and it's something I would like to help toward if the chance was ever there.
Something I would completely agree with. Watching the april update video I had the impression that it would be of the same use and style, but just wanderedd had anything been discussed about look, and feel? Take the assualt rifle for example, earlier on in the topic concerning it, your Dev team have gone to a good leangth re-creating it for the detail and gameplay style of UT3 and Renegade as a mod, so was wandering if anything had been progressed on the look and feel of the repair gun? Don't worry if nothing had been drawn up, it's a massive project and noone expects anything to be completed in such a small amount of time especially as there is a very large array of weapons and varibales to consider. Here's what I'm talking about anyway... I can only imagine the gun looking glorious once you guys work your magic with it, even if it does only repair things ;-)