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  1. hi all i'm planning on making warhammer 40k armies based on GDI and NOD. I found the vehicles but dont have any imfantry files, could anyone help on how to get the model files from the game? thanks
  2. hi, i love to see a reskin of renegade x to red alert 1 era just for nostalgia and think it would be fun difference like the tiberian sun changes. i'm no 3d designer (and as of writing this cant get a server to work) but if there is a program thats easy enough to understand i'd like to help make RA1-X happen. going with what you said marinealver, i'm in similar mind, keeping it as allied fast but weaker, soviet strong but slower. if going with RA1 and its addon stuff, got plenty to use as in rebalancing units. defenses for allies - turret can be made slower firing but stronger against armour. pillox as an auto defence too with gatlings like the wolverine TS unit in RX. defenses for soviet - going with the tesla tank that was made for RX just tweaked to a tesla coil. same with a nod flame tank made into a flame tower. as for transports would say just give both sides an apc with 50 cal. and the chinook. infantry wise they both for varied to use, as for tanya and a soviet commando (boris? maybe). air support, longbow anti tank and hind anti infantry. as for balance tho. if going with unit cap and the soviets could have as example 7 mammoths vs allied 7 medium tanks or chrono tank it woud be unfair so if a mammoth could be counted as 2 units for production in game think it would balance out. thats the start of my thoughts anyways thanks
  3. thanks for the help. i see what i think i should be doing, i'll finish this tomorrow i hope
  4. so it says the 7777 port is closed. so i've followed a thing on google to open a port through the firewall and i did the page you linked to test it, still saying closed
  5. hope this pic helps to show what i'm doing wrong. i save it and put it in the win32 folder. i see it launching and showing up but just cant get into it
  6. port 7777? is that what it is?
  7. so i put a batch file into that folder. it showing up (YES!!! FINALLY ) but how to i get it to start. also i cant join my own server ?! this is confusing
  8. hi all, so i change the ini files like the wiki says and i delete the walls map from the cycle list but when i use the launcher server button it says what Fffreak9999 says and i dont know what else to change. the port is 7777 i still no clue
  9. hi all, can someone please help me. i'm trying to get a server running for me and friends but i just cant get it to run or let anyone join it. it shows up on the live server list but i can it to let anyone join or get it to start. i've been trying with the server manager but i dont know what i'm doing wrong.
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