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Everything posted by Divinewind120

  1. Hey, just thought I'd offer up any help if you guys need it on the LD/Scripting side of things. I've done a few UT mods and levels, you can check out my work at http://guildhall.smu.edu/portfolio/AhmedLD/home I've got a full time job and stuff so I can't dedicate too much time, I just wanna help out in any small way if you guys need it. As far as UnrealScript goes, I have good experience implementing sound effects. I can probably figure out gameplay scripting as I go, and I have no idea what is going on with vehicles, so no help there. I've used the editor itself extremely extensively and I have great experience with the material editor, particle editor, kismet, and most facets of UnrealEditor3 in general. So, just lemme know if you need anything. Take care, Ahmed
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