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My biggest gripe right now is the fact that Hotwires and Tecs can use the better weapons. Like the tib rifle or upgraded sidearms. These classes are already powerful in their role, making them able to easily outclass many of the infantry classes too is a little too powerful. Right now it is hard to notice, but wait until more people learn the game and see the importance of these units. In the original Ren most people ran around with a tech or hotwire, now there will be even more reason to use them and less reason to use the other units.
Mammoth tanks are strong, but their size and low speed makes them very poor for attacking or rushing a base. Mammoth rushes tend to be very single file and a small NOD defense can take them out easily, one at a time... with lots of help from the obelisk. Med tanks do less damage, but their speed can get several of them past the obelisk and overwhelm NOD faster. They are a better rush tank for GDI. Better in the field too actually. Mammoths big profile just makes them easy to hit with those long range arts. Nothing beats a mammoth for defense though. One mammoth guarding the base can stop just about any NOD tank rush. NOD is forced to kill the mammoth first, and will likely not be strong enough to get the AGT afterwards. Arties + techs are still the most lethal combo on the field. Arties have sick damage and splash.. and can kill any GDI tank + support engineer very quickly. They just can't take the hits. But with technician support and some cover, those arts will own the field. I actually like the fact that arts shoot in an arc, it makes them harder to use and they could definitely use the skill nerf. Light tanks are the best solo NOD tank. If you don't have engie support then that's the tank you want to take as NOD. Stealths and Flames are just not good in every situation. The light tank is. It won't beat a med head to head, but you are faster and harder to hit. Keep moving and use the terrain to hide your hull. Don't underestimate the old APC rush either. Load up a team of soldiers or engies in your APC and you might just get a building with it. 3 timed c4s will do the trick. Get 4 timed c4s on a building and you only need to hold your ground for 10 seconds.
Question about classic maps that been remade
tflst5 replied to omega79's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
The reason for marathon servers originally was because of the campyness of certain maps. You saw this especially with organized clan games, and it crept into the mainstream servers a lot too. People rushed to get arts, or other tanks, and base camp. There were no creative base rushes or elaborate strategies involved. The top clans had their movements choreographed. And certain sides had an edge on certain maps... which always led to the same result when two good clans played. Marathons were a way to break the dependence on the point system and get people using strategy again. Heck, you had all these awesome unit types and lots of ways to attack the base. It just seemed like a more natural state for the game. IMO marathons were fun for casuals, but took greater skill to master. On timed games, you could teach new clan members a map strategy in a few minutes and they could execute. Rush harvy, buy art, go here and shoot at war factory. In marathon games you had to be prepared for just about anything. -
StripeyTL here. Really old school player, from release through 2003 probably. Didn't play much after that, worked alot behind the scenes on the Clanwars league for a while. I was in clan [CW] while we were active the summer of 2002. Played with most of those guys from a computer lab at the university of pittsburgh. Still know most of them in real life. We had some epic feuds with the likes of WL, OPs, FooFoo, and DoA. Lots of other clans too, but those are the ones i remember the best. We never played on gamespy, so its cool to see that there was an entire world going on over there. Probably my biggest claim to Renegade fame was starting up the first marathon server. I used a PC hidden away at the university's lab to host it. (OC3 connection was awesome at the time) Called it the "Free Beer Marathon Server". Our clan loved no-time limit games because it stopped all the base camping that the other clans liked to do. I was trying to get more people to realize how much fun games of Renegade could be when there was no time limit and the points didn't matter. Had a blast on that server.. some truly epic 3-4 hour games. I hosted the server through the summer until the network guys caught me and shut it down. Years of logging into Renegade i would always find people hosting "marathon" servers.. so i was quite proud that i helped to get it rolling.
QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Oct 15 2009, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Haha! I can see EA jumping all over this if the mod is successful. They would make a Renegade 2. Their version of Renegade 2 would include a third of the budget going to pay Hollywood actors to star in the intro video, a third to go towards "scientific research" of the effects of tiberium harvesting on the enviroment, and the rest would go to Gamespy - to license their 15 year old netcode, because, multiplayer? who needs that? We got explosions! I kid of course. I would buy it just to see Tricia Helfer playing Sakura. :lol:
I don't think arties should be nerfed heavily just yet. Wait until more maps come out and we have a larger sample to experiment with. Field is notorious for being favorable to the Artillery. If anything, that map should be balanced so that Artillery does not have impenetrable positions to hide while it attacks the base. Move the War Factory further away so that NOD tanks have to get closer (and become more vunerable). That would be a better fix IMO. Once we get to play Under and a few of the less chokey maps i think we'll know how well balanced the arts are.
Mobile Artillery has always been a little OP in renegade. The Mobile Artillery never should have had a rotating turret. I am sure it was designed as an Assault Gun-type weapon and not a tank. Originally the gun was probably stationary. Most likely it was changed during play testing when testers did not fully understand its power or found the unit too boring. Making the turret rotated allows people to place their artillery in niche spots behind obstacles and shield it from return fire, while enjoying the MA's extremely nasty firepower and range. If it weren't for its vulnerability to snipers it would dominate every game IMO. It seems like the MRLS is now just as OP, so at least theres some balance there.
I use to turn full radar on all my servers. I always felt it improved gameplay of small games by weakening the randomness of a match and making defense on rush maps more viable. Stealth units are more important because they are the only units invisible on radar - although if you buy a technician in your stealth tank the technician will be visible. True sneakers have to go stealth hand - stealth tank to achieve full stealth, and be at a big disadvantage if they do so. I don't know if thats the way it works in renegade-x yet, but i will assume so.
Looks fantastic. After a few hours i felt like i was playing Renegade again. Very great job! My only suggestion - as some have mentioned - add some kind of hit indication or make the health bar more prominent. When your low on health it turns red or make it a distinct bar like it was in Renegade.
[CW]StripeyTL was me
Will there be an IRC channel as part of the connect client to help us arrange games?
Marathon games work because they force teams into forming a strategy. Pulling up in front of the base and shooting for points isn't the only option like it is in the timed games. Timed games are flawed for this reason. In a marathon you have to attack the base or place a beacon on the pedestal. Shooting buildings gets you money, but ultimately it does nothing if the other team is repairing it. It was funny in the first couple of marathon games i hosted to watch the teams eventually realize that they needed to form some kind of strategy. Sometimes it would take hours for this to happen, but it always happened or the marathon never ended. Putting in victory conditions for the timed games would give them some of flavor that the marathon games have. Right now a timed game comes down to which team is able to point whore more effectively. Base rushing never happens in competitive games because its risky to give up field position for little payoff. Just camp the base and rake in the points. A couple of different options would add some more layers to the gameplay. Building win is one idea, what if you did the same for harvesters? (of course prevent players from blocking the harvester first) Which ever team kills 10 harvesters first wins. Theres a bunch of different ideas you could do. Having more options is nice as long as they are easy to program in.
I figured the building condition would be fairly easy to implement. There are other alternatives that would be better but might require more work for a developer. Beacon pedestal is similar, but an unrealistic achievement in competitive clan games. In all the non-marathon clan games i've played over the years i've only seen a successful beacon pedestal happen one time. Its more common in marathons, but very rare in the typical 30 minute match. The objective is just too easy to defend against, and in a point battles it is actually a bigger risk because you give the other team free points for disarming your beacon. A building condition wouldn't eliminate base camping, but it would create a wider range of strategies. Teams could opt for a riskier base rush instead of a conservative base camp or harvie camp. After all, one successful base rush give them a 1-0 lead in the game and forces the other team to counter.
This is just a thought - i realize that the mod is going to stay true to the original game and i appreciate that. One thing that i would have like to see in the original renegade was a minor expansion on the victory conditions that we could adjust. We could effectively disable Renegade's point system by selecting no time limit to our games. That forced opposing teams to destroy each other bases to win. But that also wasn't always ideal. As many of you know - from playing on marathon servers - the no time limit games can go on for many hours. When your hosting and organizing a clan match this isn't what your after. People have schedules and most can't stay on for 4-5 hours at a time. What i'd like to see is another option that we could use to determine a winner within a time limit. Something like 1. Winner is the side that has destroyed the most buildings within the time limit. The tiebreaker is points would be pretty awesome. We would have an option away from the Renegade system that tends to reward base/harvie camping over base destroying. Maybe this is something already in the mod. I don't know