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Everything posted by Belg

  1. The third installation on another drive worked. But is it possible that I have this issue again later by Bitdefender? It's says that UDK.exe is malware. I thinks it's a false positive, I gave the order to not scan the map Renegade X anymore.
  2. No, the reason why the previous game installation not worked anymore, was because Bitdefender deleted files from Renegade X: Now I am trying to install the game on another drive (D:).
  3. I removed the game again, I can download and install the launcher, but when I press the launcher, I have this:
  4. Strange, I had to re-install the game and I don't see any servers to select: What do I do wrong? [TmX]Belg
  5. NP
  6. Belg

    cannot add bots

    found it, thx
  7. Belg

    cannot add bots

    Thx sarah for yr patience … I did what u said, but it didn't worked. What do I do wrong?
  8. Belg

    cannot add bots

    Ok, my server is up and running but I wanna add bots. But when I go to the vote menu, press 4, he Always says 'bot votes are currently disabled', but in the fileUDKRenegadeX.ini I putted bBotsDisabled on True but it didn't work. Someone knows?
  9. Yes I do Freak, I have the feeling u gonna tell there is another way … ?
  10. I also have the same problem. He doesn't find the flying map, but I also don't find the flying word in UDKGame\Config\CNC-MapName.ini or Renegade X\UDKGame\CookedPC\Maps\RenX\ Can you help? Belg
  11. Belg


    hey all, I am new to this forum. I play this game when it came out originally. That time I was rly what younger, I had my own clan & server, also very famous that time (clan was called TnT). So u can say I am an old very oldschool player. I am glad AGN is doing so much effort to keep up running this game and trying to make it bigger. I am also gratefull for this, because C&C will never dies. I was a proud member of [TmX] and I have a good feeling with AGN. U guys take new clannies ? Greetz Belg
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