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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Cephyrus

  1. Hey everyone i was just thinking of a new thread to share amazing videos outside from gaming videos and stuff like this. Videos like realy cool machines or realy cool inventions or awesome and funny videos, whatever you found. And to be honest.. i didn´t want to gravedig the "old" thread https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/74615-funny-videos/?tab=comments#comment-149790 So here i will start with an awesome "wind machine" Just to make it short... it is a $%&"§ T34- Tank with 2 MIG- 21 engines mounted to extinguish a burning pipeline
  2. Story of my life.... What ever you do... don´t lose the ones you love...
  3. @Henk Yeah! Glitch Mob are awesome If you don´t know them it´s worth a try to click through all their videos and listen to their songs Here is one video from 2010 i really like
  4. I think we should take out crash site, since there are to many "ways" to use map borders to get on spots to snipe and see like around 70% of the map to cover up and the way you can sneak as GDI into the Nod base is far to easy (if you use the dead WF path starting from the little river near GDI base front) I know people wont cheat or use glitches on a tournament, but i think crash site is a good map, but it isn´t "tournament ready" in my opinion... So tell me your feedback about it pls On Complex there are still "broken" meshes were you can hide "inside" rocks to sneak into the enemy bases undetected ( i hope people won´t abuse this in the tournament until it´s fixed) On Whiteout is it legit to "sneak" behind Nod strip/PP by using the com center path? Since it´s part of the map but is it so wanted to use these paths? (silo path > hon is obviously forbidden and i don´t know if it still exist, since i never tried that way)
  5. So how about a mutator were you can´t buy a beacon when there are less then 20 players on the map ( 10 vs 10) but allows you to buy a beacon when there are 24 players on the map (12 vs 12) but not allowed to place it ( you get a message when you try to place it which says something like: " Player count to low to place a beacon" ) and after the player count reached 25 people you can place the beacon. For example you have a spy and want to bring a building down with an ion/nuke on a match where it is only 6 vs 6 it would be pretty "unfair" since it depends on the map and on the player count to react fast enough. Also you have allready an advantage with a spy... you can just grab a rep gun and run into a building to kill it... so no need to ion/nuke things on low player counts. But to be fair here... how about to implement a voting where everyone can vote for "low player count" beacons is allowed or not so people still have the chance to change it. Greetings
  6. Hey all Since i´m not good with writing code or modeling stuff i will stick to things i can do And such things is giving feedback. First of all i like the idea of "force choose" a commander. I think it´s not hard to implent this kind of feature, but we need to work out some things first. @1) Yes auto select will probably the "best" solution. After 3 mins the player on each team with the highest score will be the commander by default. But why after 3 mins? and not like 4 mins or 5 mins or 10 mins or maybe 2 mins? well it´s simple the first 1-2 mins is like rushing/deffending the base/harvy after that time (normaly around 3 mins) people start to "organize" things like getting hottys/techs or vehicles. Thats the moment where there is a "gap" or "break" on each team and the player with the highest score will be voted as commander. But why highest score? Well the player with the highest score managed to get the harvy killed or maybe a armor break on a building or shot down like 4 engis running to the team harvester and protected it or to make it short... helped the team with a "better" kind of attack or deff then probably most of the own team does... tl;dr: 1) the player on each team with the highest score will be choosen by default after 3 mins IF NOT any commander is voted at the beginning (within 3 mins) - On PUG matches the commander was choosen the map before and stay the commander unless someone will take the postition. Suggestion: the CP timer starts ticking after 3 mins (the point where a commander is choosen by default) so every commander have the chance to "counter" early rushes with (deff) buffs from the enemy team to prevent like massive arty/rocket rush within the first few mins. CP ticking at minute 3 will be starting on a normal parameter if all buildings are alive (since every building your team lost you will get +1CP/s more) so in some cases the ticking after 3 mins will be higher. (we need to keep an eye on this so no bug will pop up in cases a team lost a building the first 1-2 mins) @2) see point 1) IF NO commander is voted in the first 3 mins a commander will be choosen by default. @3) not "a good solution" since we have the same problem like before if the player who will be commander ragequit after the team lost a building and maybe a random afk player will be chosen. the better way is to stick to the player with the highest score. Suggestion: to prevent "abuse" by the player with the highest score to just not use or waste CP or doing nothing as commander the team can vote an other commander by electing with far less "yes votes" VS "no votes". Like you will need in that case 2 no votes for every yes vote but why 2:1 rotation with commander elcetion? Normaly it´s the other way around. It´s simple... we have many players here who are playing in a group of 2 or more ppl so these groups can "block" other peoples vote by their voting since normaly you need more yes votes. (it´s not the case everytime, but some people don´t like other people and just "counter vote" to prevent a elections just to "fuck the person up"). In the case of a commander, you will need more no votes to prevent changing the current commander. The commander don´t need to "worry" about any kind of votes if he is doing the job right. (wish that would work on political elections that simple... ) So yeah people will think twice if changing a commander is a good or a bad idea. Nah... that´s not "fair" in a voting system, even if those "no-voters" are most of the time the same people... It´s your own decision to vote yes or no and not your task to judge people by their vote Remeber... to much information poping up on the screen on the same time will people overstrain... To much to read = to less time to handle things and people will notice a vote but will act like "screw this i will just press F1" or "i will ignore this, they others will do the job for me" On the other hand.. yes a voting with like more then 1 or 2 people would be cool but... you can do it in the left corner the size of the "radio coms" but then it will be "to small" to get enough attention and to press binded keys like "1-4" bound to fast weapon switch will be "bad" in the moment you are switching your weapon midfight... It´s not about the commander... you can read the "how to use commander power" hints on the same menu but people are "overwhelmed" in general how to handle things like commander buffs or how to stop the harvy... ( yes yes yes girls and boys... you need to SET A WAYPOINT for the harvy and then tell the harvy to STOP. if you don´t want teh harvy to get killed everytime BUT remeber... every harvy that respawns is A NEW HARVY. so if you stoped the harvy but it got destroyed you need to wait till "the new harvy" respawned and to stop him again. The harvy don´t remeber whe last thing you said to him... it´s like working with people on the same workplace but you need everyone to tell what to do even if it´s the same job ) I was thinking of just "doing" a tutorial on how most of the "mechanics" in RenX works... Like a tutorial of how to: -mine the base safely -sneak into enemy bases (safely) -use your advantage from every inf class/ vehilce class -compensate your disadvantage (like artys can´t shot downhill as long as they are staying on high gradient) -counter enemy units -use spies (seen shotgunner spies asking for ion/nuke to kill AGT/Obe) -use commander mode -disarm nuke/ion (no no no ... shooting a nuke with a soldier gun won´t work ) -reach those "mimimim this ion/nuke is glitched" - spots (seriously... i´m playing long enought to know that "spacebar" is for jumping to reach those beacons... but probably not everyone knows that... o__o ) -many more to come... And yeah i´m speaking from "general" tutorials... to help more or less "new" players. We all know that you can kill a Rave/Sydney or Havoc/Sakura with a soldier (or any other free unit) "pretty easy" if you know how to Don´t want to see "defenseless new players" running into someone like @Minji or @bentō (if you know what i mean ) But... i don´t know how to "make a video" + my voice is a secret (seems like someone else needs to make a tutorial on how to make a tutorial video for me like it seems ) So at least i´m "good" at giving feedback Have fun all and stay nice! See you on the battlefield Greetings
  7. It was the UDKEngine and changed the DeafultEngineUDK too didn´t noticed there were two engine.ini Thats the copy of the DefaultEngineUDK chnaged it and saved it and restarted game but still doesn´t work [Configuration] BasedOn=..\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini [Engine.ScriptPackages] +NativePackages=UDKBase +EditorPackages=UTEditor [OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks] QueryPort=27015 bEnableSteam=true bUseVAC=true bRelaunchInSteam=false RelaunchAppId=0 ProductName=unrealdk GameDir=unrealtest GameVersion= Region=255 CurrentNotificationPosition=8 ResetStats=0 bFilterEngineBuild=false VOIPVolumeMultiplier=1.0
  8. Have the same problem even if i change the file... [Configuration] [OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks] QueryPort=27015 bEnableSteam=true bUseVAC=true bRelaunchInSteam=false RelaunchAppId=0 ProductName=unrealdk GameDir=unrealtest GameVersion= Region=255 Am i missing something?
  9. I realy enjoy this
  10. Well yeah it´s satire and it´s "funny" but it´s also true Some Foreigners don´t know how to feel here but on the other hand many many Germans don´t know how to feel about all the refugees that´s why it´s sad that "the right wing" in Germany is a thing again... so here is a satire music video that also tells the truth. The Hook is: ...Uns will hier keiner haben, doch man darf ja wohl mal sagen: Ohne eure Waffen wär´n wir gar nicht hier, yeah yeah... (no one want´s us here) (but at least we can say) (without your weapons we wouldn´t be here) And no i don´t want to start a political discussion here pls But the Video shows sooo many sterotypes and shows us how "blind and dumb" we are
  11. And i do like "new Rock sounds" too, like this:
  12. AC/DC is really nice to play on guitar got some years in a band as bass player and hells bells is one of the easiest things to play on bass but songs like "its a long way to the top" from AC/DC is brilliant since everyone in our band played a solo so we made a 5 min song around 15-17 mins long it was insane but it was so funny, we stopped playing because we couldn´t play anymore from all the laughs
  13. Yeah i know what you mean, but it´s not Eminem
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