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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Catalyst

  1. I don't know what the Reborn team did in the past to drive you away, but the team that handles the updates now over at Bluehell Productions aren't a bad group of guys to be fair. Aircraftkiller left APB around 2005-ish and hasn't been part of the development staff for some years now. He certainly isn't on the Reborn team either. The community is pretty small, but there's updates still going out every now and again. There's one or two guys on current reborn team who have severe personality disorders and treat the servers and the game itself and community as their own personal toys. Typical Renegade community though. Oh you got in my vehicle? 2 day ban. Oh you insulted me 1000 day ban, etc. This is ignoring their hue hue hue hue spam before going completely nuts. I'm mainly a Tiberian Sun fan but I may like Renegade X more since Reborn lags and a lot of times its gay. Yeah the new team is a bunch of losers.
  2. Yeah that aussie kid who runs everything is such a LOSER You can't, holy shit i didn't know that worked. it was experimental. <3333 i dont see the pm option. this is my ip: i doubt he will do it hes a super douche and seemed to enjoy escalating it to that point. every time i told him to unban me form something he banned me from something else. Owned.
  3. 1) Your name or alias (Catalyst) 2) Your email address (nxchocko@hotmail.com) 3) Your server name and IP if applicable (Name: Ascended Warriors UT3 Great work so far guys
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