Like a certain mode that's been recently made on the old Ren by Nightma12? Prob don't know wtf i'm talking about lol. It's actually quite addicting when properly made.
1) Your name or alias: TsuScorpio
2) Your email address
3) Your server name and IP if applicable: :: AOW /
1) Your name or alias: TsuScorpio
2) Your email address
3) Your server name and IP if applicable: :: RenX or w/e haven't decided.
MRLS's vantage points and blind spots are a handicap for it so locking missles aren't that big of a deal. But i'm already building the roster for TsuClan ;D.
I have a 9500 and run UT3 just fine on high. and my 6200 could run UT3 with no lag on reg settings...... The Performance is only a slight difference unless you're talking about the GTX or w/e it is that's a bump higher than the GT series. and wtf do you shop O_o. If u have to run UT3 on min settings with a 9100 you have a bogus card or something lol. Anax is also right. My Laptop has a better card yet it can't run UT3 properly due to the constant mini-freezes while on my desktop with the worse card ran it just fine and on medium settings while it's under the requirement.
Tsunami may put a server up. But an NVIDIA Geforce 9500 can run UT3 on all settings max (including Anti-Alias) and it's like 60 dollars after rebate in a whole-sale store. Or you can buy a new comp and get UT3 with it, that's what Cursed did. :lol:
Yes, it may happen to me because I got mine after they replaced the defective chip. Most likely the reason they gave him a new one because the new ones already have the chip in them.
In my opinion EA should atleast get another CnC FPS in the gaming industry that isn't a flop *cough*CnC 3*cough*. Even though CnC 3 was okay, it had the potential to be one of the best RTS's out there.