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  1. oh the asymmetry is a strength of the setting for sure, you just don't usually think of flying and Nod. Setting is GDI rules air and space, but Nod rules the Earth and everything beneath her surface.
  2. Watching the devtalk video I think the Epic Vehicles is a great solution tot some of Renegade (original) design issues with game flow and progression (as game progresses options are taken away). So we have the GDI has an Epic Ground vehicle and Nod have an Epic Air vehicle. OCD kicking in I immediately thought of the command vehicles in Tiberium Sun the Mountauk as the NOD Epic Ground and the Kodiak as the GDI Epic Air vehicles could be an expansion.
  3. Should have Ion Strike it instead.
  4. So with the delay of Firestorm expansion for Renegade, and idea that I have been wanting to try out is to well add more Tiberium Sun units to Renegade X and the idea is to tie them to capturable Tech structures. Now of course not the full slew of TS units and classes, but just say one class or vehicle per faction and maybe in a way that could match them up. Examples be Nod Banshee and GDI Orca bomber on Eyes or for Lake Side you could have GDI Jump Jet Infantry and Nod have theri Cyborg Commandos (Auto Chain Gun should be a good counter). There could also be asymmetrical tech options like having GDI Wolverine and Nod Cyborg Commando. Concepts are Must capture a tech structure to unlock this (any tech structure will do) once capture is lost option becomes unavailable, may recapture to gain option back. map determines which class/vehicle is available (not tech structure), c/v should be selected in what best fits the map for ballance purposes. at least 1 GDI unit and 1 Nod unit, does not need to be a counterpart match. May include more but both sides should have the same quantity of options. Benefits is it allows a preview as well as some testing for the firestorm units. Also it will freshen up the Classic Renegade X gameplay while we wait. That being said what "tech unit" options would you enable on what map. Again these are maps with capturable tech buildings (i.e. Field, Eyes, Lakeside).
  5. So another question is how would the Mammoth Tank Mk2 be treated. I think it would be best as a Moving Building that has more firepower than an Advanced Guard Tower that you just move to the other base.
  6. Trying to get it just for the Red Alert mod, A Path Beyond.
  7. Jumpjet infantry, any Cyborgs?
  8. Don't know if this is the right forum but the banners and other pictures on the home page in the announcements section are not showing up. I don't know how to get in contact with the webmaster so I am posting a thread here.
  9. Well Friendly fire could change the game dynamics, maybe even drop the beacon spam, but you would have to change a lot of things. Accidental (or not so accidental) grieving could be a problem. You would have to put in some sort of grieflock on if a player continues to kill friendlies. Furthermore a sinlge griever could wreck a base causing the match to be at an instant loss. So friendly Buildings and MCTs will have to be immune to friendly fire. Also buildings would need a nerf, as people would be afraid of friendly fire some vehicles shelling buildings would often let up if they believe a teammate is close to the building. That could give the defending team more than enough time to repair the building to max making all the damage done to it prior meaningless.
  10. Since VP makes you both stronger and faster this would be more like receiving a kick in the ___ when already down. Remember that players doing crate hunting are usually ones that are in need of an advantage not the other way around. Those would already be tanked/charachter/superweaponed up. Credit donations would be just a bit of annoyance since donations is already in the game. Only if it turned you into a civilian, which I don't think any civilian models exist. Also you would appear neutral. Don't call it scissors, call it pacifism. This seems like a nice trap. I think it is a perfect Risk-Reward to crate hunting. Oops helped the other team, well at least it didn't pick up up in the air, toyed with my body before slamming my corpse down on the ground and laughed on it. Friendly Fire is difficult to do. To be honest I would like to see how a game of renegade plays with friendly fire turned on, although grieving might get too out of hand. You better keep building immune to friendly fire. Still I would say better as a match option and not as a crate. Interesting idea, but odds are you would likely just commit suicide to reset the "curse". I still think the Fiend/Viceroid would be better as a neutral obstacle.
  11. Aggressive Tank play as something that should be banned. Does this player know we are playing a Command & Conquer game?
  12. While I think Building reconstructions should be a possibility or something that adds in some options in the late game as buildings are taken down. The game still has to progress and that progression is building destruction. So options we have is a simple building auto repair, which could be a convenient quality of life feature but then it would be one of the least important building to the point where it might not even be mined. Now if it does rebuild buildings then it would be a target but the building repairs must be very slow. Still it runs the risk of having a round last in perpetuity. Here is a crazy idea, Reverse Building Rebuild. Instead of an intact building rebuilding destroyed building, how about a building that once destroyed provides a rebuild of a destroyed building? The idea comes form the classic mission where you won't get A-10 strikes until all SAM sites were destroyed. So this is the idea, if a AGT/Obelisk is destroyed the Airfield/War Factory is rebuild. Likewise if a Construction Yard is destroyed then it restores the other team's Barracks/Hand of Nod to full health. That way Building destruction still progresses the round but it allows for the late game to still have the high end weapons and vehicles where as traditional the late game one side if not both are lacking in the high end items.
  13. Well a lot of what you said is already in the crates. The spy class gives you all the weapons of the class you got which includes SMGs and engineering tools. Also the XP gains can give you a promotion if you have enough XP. Also the Death Crates are a free nuke/ion (just not where you want it). The Binoculars might be interesting. That is the one item that I know is not accessible through a crate, but you got to realize that crates giving random stuff which has a profound affect on the gameplay. Now when buildings are destroyed crates are ways to get classes and vehicles that are removed, but the only time beacons are not available is by server (and usually because of population).
  14. Last week I was playing on a server and when I said we needed beacons someone threatened to mute me on the server and was threatening bans to those that suggest them being enabled again. Thing is beacons are needed in Renegade X to keep the game progressing. Without beacons the repair lock on the MCT makes buildings neigh invulnerable. Beacons don't necessarily destroy buildings as they get disarmed but they do force engineers away from the MCT just by threat of it being there. When they are taken out of the game the balance and pacing of the game is ruined.
  15. The 3rd model needs an Arm Cannon and be made a Tech Infantry class the Cyborg Commando.
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