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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Posts posted by HuskerDoggo

  1. On 5/19/2018 at 6:18 AM, DarkSn4ke said:


    l m a o xD

    no room for decent NN scripts here? hahaha

    imo most of those add-ons are either useless or stupid.

    - Privacy Badger: sounds like a fake.
    - Cookie AutoDelete: no thanks i would like to keep my cookies so i wont have to log in every goddamn time. also "as well as information used to spy on you" pretty sure that doesnt work since the cookies only get removed after you close the tab.
    - HTTPS Everywhere:  will break sites that do not have an ssl due to mixed content. (imagine not forcing https on your site if you have an ssl)
    - Decentraleyes: i have trouble understanding this add-on but basically it blocks content delivered from cdn's? if thats the case then it will also break sites that use cdn for their assets like fonts, css, js.
    - uMatrix / NoScript Security Suite: ugh have to configurate for each site what to block or not

    getting too much concerned about your information over the internet is unhealthy imo

    (i do not know 100% what these add-ons do exactly, i only went from their name and a bit of description)

  2. I had that too some time ago and i think it might be when you post a youtube link you get an option to display as text instead of embed. Im totally not sure but it could be that the option is saved in a cookie or something.

    If i were you i'd clear site data from this specific site in inspector (if you use chrome).

  3. 5 minutes ago, ps212 said:

    That's funny - the only reason I started using the 64bit version in the first place is because the 32bit version would often crash giving me an "out of memory" error. I'll try 32bit again and see if that issue has stopped.

    both versions have their own bugs xd.

    I personally would keep using 64 bit then and restart at every map change, instead of constantly randomly crashing mid-game

  4. Nice how the launch.log doesnt explain what caused the critical error besides that it got one (dont know if the filename not found is part of it)

    [0936.28] Log: PhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck:  Rx_Pawn_79 -> StaticMeshActor_548
    [0991.20] Log: === Critical error: ===
    Fatal error!
    Address = 0x1027c96  (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
    Address = 0x104a1c3  (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
    Address = 0x44fce40  (filename not found) 
    Address = 0x44fce40  (filename not found) 


    i can not find the previous eyes stream from minji but someone should check if there was a nuke/ion planted before that crash too

  5. There wont be any microtransactions since EA wont let us earn money.

    And fuck no there are slready too many battle royale now. I dont think anyone would really play a renx br cause we already dont really have a big playerbase, people would just stop playing (even faster than on normal games) if they keep getting 1 shot, i dont think the server/game can really handle bigger maps with bigger player cap (crashes).

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, roweboat said:

    Didn't someone have an idea for laser defense doors? Basically I'm thinking something that can be disarmed the same way as now, with a repair gun, but the sole function is to defend the building door / entrance.

    Could be a cool map feature where a certain path is blocked off by a laser grid. When you destroy their pp, their laser grid becomes unpowered and you can use that path

  7. Being able to see where mines are gone is extremely op and takes away pretty much the sneaking part of the game.

    What i was thinking that would be a good idea is too have a little help menu in the main menu. it would open a window with sidebar or something with topics (mines, economy, units, buildings, etc.) and info for them.

    • Thanks 2
  8. Pretty sure he just means having the map name on your hud on the scoreboard screen or map overview. So new people can see what map they are playing.

    Its not necessary tho since you see the map name in launcher and when switching maps

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