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  1. I don't play pugs anymore
  2. watch this one played vs poi
  3. @yosh56 Can we please remove ramjet ? I would like to see havoc/sakura with another weapon. We have like 2 sniper classes and we only need 1 sniper class not 2.
  4. agree with that one +1 :D.
  5. @lawANDorder Forgot to mention something , the so called "Killers" have a purpose too like killing sneakers, engi, techs/hotwires and more . I played so many renx games that I learned one thing , ppl like me aren't ruining this game , ppl can't even buy tanks after the 8 min mark everytime I play my team has 1/8 or 1/11 vehicles or If I call gunner/rocket rush no one is following the instruction so why would I give a f*** about the so called "teamplayers who can't even buy tanks , mine properly or watching out for sbh, nukes etc." I am tired of this shit and this game needs to increase vehicle limit and remove 1 sniper because we have 2 sniper classes which in my opinion is useless give havoc/sakura a new weapon and it is fine for me and nerf the sbh/lcg. sbh and lcg should have limited ammo not unlimited this is bullshit and op and make lcg faster again this guy is so slow and useless.
  6. @lawANDorder You know I wasn't always killing ppl my biggest achievement in renx was in beta 3 only sneaking and the success rate was high back then now with beta 5 this success rate is so low that I just lost interest. Being killed while sneakin with stank/sbh etc. isn't fun for me the only reason why I started killing in beta 5 and I won't stop you can remove kd I am fine with it. Removing kd will be better for me so I can play much more aggressive than I used to play GL And by the way I still can count my kills so you will not manipulate me with this "humans are easy to manipulate" shit. Not my fault that the Renx community lack the aiming vs good aimers and we aren't that hard to beat get good.
  7. unbanned
  8. first of all you don't even know why I even did get Vac'd for and why they are so many (all the same game and family sharing policy ) so I wouldn't talk.
  9. this guy already won madkill banned deadbeat and me because he is sure that we are cheating so. He already scared 2 ppl away. And I played for several years competetive (clanbase.ggl.com - dead since 2013). My cousin wanted to come try renx who is a competetive player too and I will not recommend him this game ever. yours truly, XEN
  10. haters gonna hate
  11. ?
  12. @3:00 min WTF
  13. xeb

    T_Bone hates me :/

    @DarkSn4ke habe es geschafft xDDDDDDD :DDDDD
  14. I got banned on the CT Server for nothing. I played under the name aimbot and suddently got banned . GG
  15. C&C Reborn played that alot. I would still prefer this one http://www.indiedb.com/games/tcw-w3d/
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