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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by em0_g0blin

  1. Shpetim too is often kicked out of the server. p.s. !noob shpetim
  2. All is fair in war. p.s. f1 afk
  3. google translate: We need to add the role of assistant commander. This player is not required to command, but will be able to stop / start the harvester, display a message (with a different color), use some of the commander's abilities. This role comes in handy in cases where no one wants to command, but need to stop the harvester, etc. He will be able to organize an additional rush (Commander rushes with infantry, assistant rushes with vehicles). The commander's buff also affects everyone who is next to the assistant
  4. google translate: I like 64 players on the server. Especially on small maps like Oasis (no sarcasm). 40 people on a server is good when they are all experienced. But there are always noobs, newbies, afk in the game, and 64 compensate for this. Remember the situation in the summer when x2.5 new players came. No teamplay, no one is repairing buildings, they ran chaotically and tried to attack enemies with a repair gun
  5. Haha. Most of the popular maps are missing from the rotation during prime time. This problem is about 3 months old. (islands, xmountain, field, tomb, complex, canyon)
  6. I want the surrender vote to be removed from the game or only the commander can start it. Because many players start crying after losing 1 building and start voting for surrender. Surrender ruined so many epic matches ...
  7. 1. Islands 2. Walls 3. Field X 4. Sands (from old Ren) 5. Oasis 6. Canyon 7. City flying (from old Ren) 8. Tomb 9. Reservoir 10. Lake Side 11. Field 12. Xmountain 13. Complex 14. Under 15. Fort 16. Glacier (from old Ren) 17. Snow / Snow x 18. Volcano 19. Eye 20. Outposts Love small maps 64/64. Disconnect on big maps.
  8. If you allow all players to speak, chaos may begin. It should be possible to mute some players. I propose to make voice chat only for the commander
  9. 1. I played NOD sniper with nightvision. Then admin moved me to another team and nightvision remained. (screenshot 1) 2. Choose sniper and ON nightvision, then press "esc" and resume. (screenshot 2) 3. Combine "Second Fire"(zoom in/out) on some weapons and "fov 300", "fov 100". It contains a lot of bugs with the camera translated by Google ScreenShot0.bmp ScreenShot01.bmp
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