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Posts posted by Agent

  1. I'm fairly confident that the project is as dead as this thread should be; you really shouldn't expect any news out of this (except maybe some random revival thread in a year or two when zunnie gets bored again).

    If you do want to play a game exactly like this project aspired to be (except actually playable and having more than 1-2 people working on it), the guys at http://www.bluehellproductions.com/ made Red Alert: A Path Beyond, as well as Tiberian Sun: Reborn and Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising. Similar to the abandoned project in the OP, none of these use UE3 (what Renegade-X uses); all of the aforementioned games use the W3D engine which shipped with Renegade back in 2002.

    • Sad 1
  2. I meant getting decent hardware to run the RenX server, and paying for bandwidth/space at a datacenter, not the setting up of the actual server. Setting up a server is fairly basic. Unless you're suggesting it be hosted on their home computer (which wouldn't really attract anybody outside of directly invited friends).

  3. This game allows anybody to start a server so why would suggesting that be so upsetting?

    It's not necessarily a practical solution. Not everybody wants (or is able) to actually pay for a decently spec'd server.

    I am curious which server Skethicus is referring to, though. I assume TmX since he was last seen there ~19 hours ago (around the time of the original post)?

  4. Well, if thats the case, than thats also some sort of "bullsh%t" filter not worth the time posting unless you realy think it's worth the time.

    I'm not talking about colour, just the name of an animal portrayed in a shadow as a question

    It'd be just as effective and less annoying to have it registration-only, as opposed to per-post. I already get irritated when websites require a question during the login process.

    I just wouldn't post if I had to fill something in every time -- it's not that it's difficult, it's just a repetitive task that gets very old, very fast. At that point I'd just shove any/all opinions into the IRC channel(s), which I used to do to a degree anyways until the DevBot disappeared.

  5. Sean":l203rnzs]This would certainly be a good idea. (or perhaps if the mute command was expanded so that players was unable to use the bot commands when they're muted).

    Yeah, good idea. So a 4th idea to help: "4) The mute command be expanded to restrict a player from polling (and changing names while we're at it)."


  6. Vehicle surfing to gain access to otherwise inaccessible areas is likely unintended by the developers, and therefore should be considered glitch abuse.

    Also consider that the map is named "Walls" and there are giant walls to help defend each base. What do walls do? They keep ground troops out. Are they keeping ground troops out if people can wallhop? No.

  7. There's an issue where some players (mysticwizard) will spam polls, such as to end the game. These types of players continuously spam polls under eventually, people just stop voting against them and they pass. This seems similar to that of a Senate filibuster - you just keep going on and on, until eventually you get what you want. Sometimes, the actions of these players actually cause other players to misbehave. To boot, players can't vote to kick the poll spammer if the poll spammer is faster at spamming polls than the other players.

    It would probably be beneficial to have:

    1) A server-side option to disable specific polls entirely. Some marathon servers might want to be pure marathon, and actually go until the enemy is annihilated. Polls ruin this game aspect.

    2) A poll cool-down for individual players, to prevent a player from spamming various polls again and again.

    3) A poll cool-down for individual polls, to prevent the same poll from being spammed by various players again and again.

    4) The mute command be expanded to restrict a player from polling (and changing names while we're at it).

  8. Updated!

    This build should also be compatible with the upcoming RenX patch.

    New plugin: RenX.Medals -- Players are given recommendations for destroying buildings, having the most vehicle kills, and having the most kills.

    New file: Translations.ini -- Allows you to override preset translations or specify ones that aren't already translated.

  9. A Q&A system can be very effective as an anti-bot mechanism. The best questions will generally have a unique question/answer to the website.

    Example for a gaming community (and what I used): "Name a game we host a server for." - and this would accept many answers.

    Example for Renegade-X: "Name the game developed here." - which could accept RenX / RenegadeX / Renegade-X (though this one would probably be the most answered by bots) / Ren-X

  10. I'm having a similar issue. I tried running the game from the launcher and the binary directly, and although Steam itself recognized I was in-game on UDK, the game / servers did not. As a result, I ended up not being able to test a bot-side ladder system. :(

  11. I still need to fix a bug involving passworded channels actually, but in the mean time something like this should work:

    Configure the admin channel as normal.

    Add something like this line to the same section: RawData.1=JOIN #Channel PASSWORD

    Edit: When I get around to fixing this, you'll be able to just add the password after the channel name (i.e: Channel.1=#adminChannel superSecurePassword ).

    Edit 2: This is fixed for the next update.

  12. Ah, I see. What's probably happening is the bot's just storing the entire string (including the password) as the channel. I'll look into this more and actually fix it tomorrow, though.

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