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  3. In UDKSystemSetting.ini there is a setting for depth of field, but changing this actually changes the graphics completely. This one below has DoF disabled And this one has DoF enabled To me it changes at least changes the Gamma and bloom. The snow in map Under also seems different. Also, using any MSAA will break the map (M button).
  4. Last week
  5. I understand, I meant no disrespect, I apologize if it came off that way. Thanks for the response.
  6. Earlier
  7. All efforts have been elsewhere and for the remaining future I wouldn't expect that to change.
  8. The ctd issue in skirmish is still occurring, hasn't changed in like 2 years.
  9. RealLegendaryJ

    Jay's Adventures

  10. Something that I think is relevant here as I know it can be tricky to find the Best Tutorial for it. Collision Data. I know I've had a few times where I search for a Tutorial on it, and then can't find the right one. Well, this one is the best relevant one I've found. It might help anyone else who's stuck on this matter.
  11. Here are some additional resources you may find useful. Level Design Resources Making a Renegade X Map Series (kenz3001) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=eCDhO4FZQuY&list=PLCXI7m_9Es718ruhAjU7CAnuHkRjf0Kma Renegade X Editor Tutorial Series (kenz3001) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xACw8Sfm0E8&list=PLCXI7m_9Es70QZYj02u8CeGB_qij14Bxf Optimization Tutorial Series (kenz3001) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTZxDygEf1s&list=PLCXI7m_9Es72pMf--lis4EkOH4FuhMjMg UDK Tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXUWiVQ-xDY&index=1&list=PLL0cLF8gjBpokMOcUnVpMIZlbxDDdXNAM Level Design Documentation General docs - https://ue3doc.ren-x.com/Three/LevelEditingHome.html Landscape sizes - https://ue3doc.ren-x.com/Three/LandscapeCreating.html#Recommended Landscape Sizes Level design planning - https://ren-x.com/forums/topic/75200-tutorial-gameplay-design-in-your-level/
  12. Moved to the SDK/modding section. To control what is visible in the purchase menu, you can edit that from the world properties/map info. All that is changeable here is changing which vehicles and infantry classes are available. Currently there is not a way to customize inventories directly in the map info itself. That would involve creating new classes for the "FamilyInfo" of a certain character. FamilyInfo files contain info such as the InventoryManager default layout (which describes which weapons they have). The FamilyInfo also contains things like health, armour type, movespeed etc. There are many different vehicles that can be added or swapped in for each team. As an example, I changed this empty spot to a tesla tank. For the question of the harvester gates, there is a map called Storm that contains that exact feature. It is probably in the kismet in there. I have attached the map to this message. CNC-Storm.udk
  13. OK, so I would have placed these Questions in a Dedicated Forum Area, since it's all about SDK. So, first off, how does one go about adding New Options for Purchase Terminals? For this, I'm looking at making it possible to buy Specific Items that are not usually available. For instance, the H-MLRS, which happens to be among my favourites, how do I make it so that the Normal Purchase Terminal can actually sell one? Another item, EMP Grenade (or any other weapon for that matter), any way to make a Weapons Menu (some Beta Releases used to have it I think)? Secondly, and slightly related to the first question, how do I change what the Default Weapon Loadouts are for the Map? So, for example, Patch being armed with a more suitable Back-Up Gun for when he runs out of Ammunition. Next up, Harvester Pathing Options, and them being able to Trigger Gates to Open. I'd like to make it possible for my Harvesters to Trigger Gates to Open because I want to build the Base as it would be properly built. I know, Health & Safety gone mad, right? How do I enable Gates to be opened by Harvesters? Assets, namely those to complete the Tech-Tree with. Construction Yard Advanced Power Plant Communications Centre Advanced Communications Centre Does anyone have anything like this available at all? If not, at a stretch, if I made the Objects, would somebody else be willing to UV Map them and then Paint them?
  14. I would suspect it's something to do with your System Settings, Windows 11 can be a bit funny like that. That is assuming that you are using Windows 11. If you're not using Windows 8/8.1/10/11, then you now need to use the 32-Bit Build of the Game in order for it to work.
  15. We'd need a copy of your log file to investigate further, ( %appdata%\renegade x\udkgame\logs ) plus system specs, hard drive space available etc.
  16. It's 100% unplayable. EVERY game crashes, either straight away or a few minutes in. I havent completed a game in months. So sick of it, I just cant be arsed anymore. There really isnt any point. It's not fun. It just winds me up. I've tried everything. Every setting turned to minimum level. I've disabled as many background processes as I dare. I've tried only using small maps with 3 players on each team - Still lags and crashes.
  17. Version 1.2.38


    This is the installer for the Totem Arts Game Centre, which will be the new platform for downloading all games and tools related to Totem Arts. This new version of our launcher has support for multiple games, an all new frontend, better error handling, automatic serverlist refreshing, advanced launch properties and much more! This launcher is in early access phase and may have a few issues, however it is mostly working. Let us know how you like it and if you run into any issues! As this installer and launcher are new, you may experience warnings from antivirus about the file origin being unknown, this is just a precautionary measure.
  18. Red Alert 3 wasn't bad, either. It just lost some of the vibe of the previous games, both in gameplay and even in the live-action cutscenes. And in how it looked. The graphics were weird. Reminded me of C&C 4. The latter got too cartoony/goofy with the way the units looked, and while the story cutscenes weren't the worst I'd ever seen, the really needless part was that woman/wife (whose character just came out of nowhere) bawling her eye out at me in every scene. I wish they could remake Red Alert 2 with enhanced if not completely updated graphics, maybe use the same engine as C&C 3 Tiberium Wars and import some things from RA3, like unit abilities that had cooldowns.
  19. Welcome Back, Commander! Welcome to the first patch on our road to the FINAL version of Renegade X! Starting this year, we'll be adding in new content and bug fixes as a part of the FINAL version - a.k,a. Version 1.0 - roster. This update includes a lot of quality of life features, bug fixes and gameplay adjustments to refine the experience even more. Chemical Warrior Something never felt right with the Chemical Warrior character, so we've addressed that with a brand new character model taking much more resemblance to its OG counterpart. Much better than a Black Hand Sniper paintjob, right? New Map! Mines We're pleased to announce that we're adding in CNC-Mines (created by community member a newly appointed staff member @Njorl). He has been working hard to update the with the recently gained feedback from the public playtest. Check it out! Overview Menu We've redesigned the Overview Menu to give more information regarding your team and the battlefield. The amount of EPIC Characters are now also being displayed. In addition to that, the Airstrike zone is now also being displayed once the target has been painted! Revealed Position For the first time in Renegade X' history, we're bringing in a new feature that originally comes from Firestorm! Commanders can now spot enemies, but those enemies will get notified about that their position has been revealed. What's next? We hope with this patch out we can continue the development of the 1.0 version of this game. We already have some things in the works that will come in the near future. That includes the release of the most anticipated map at this moment: City. One other thing that is almost near completion is another character model! I hope he brings more "Firewood" to this game. Until next time!
  20. Pc gamer released an article that cited CnC as a major player in the RTS arena. Nice. That after an article on why people should play Red Alert 1. Very nice. Ride the wave RenegadeX ... ride that wave........
  21. I'd to leave this for our best memories... Find your best episodes of RenX to post here, I had many in my game period, here is one I managed to capture, but regret not saving all of them, so I post it here as a memory, I watch It sometimes, so do you too ahah
  22. Ah.. playing against hard AI... those were the days....
  23. View File CNC-BridgeWar CNC-BridgeWar Map specifications: - Flying vehicle enabled - GDI Tesla tank of course ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Symmetrical - Advanced Base Defenses 10 Turrets, 8 SAM Site, 1 Advanced Guard Tower, 1 Nod Obelisk - Mine limit: 30 - Player limit : 60 - Vehicle limit: 15 - 1 Radar - 4 Capturable Silos - Long ass bridge you really need vehicle Submitter Wizardman Submitted 04/07/24 Category Levels  
  24. Looked up an online guide for how to watch the series in chronological order and it started with Halo Wars, so I actually played through it. Followed by watching the cutscenes of Reach, Combat Evolved, 2, 3 + ODST, 4, Spartan Assault and the other thing, Guardians, played through only the human campaign of Halo Wars 2 and then watched Infinite. Good series. Perhaps if I had been familiar with the series prior to 2007 then the first Mass Effect game wouldn't have floored me as much as it did and it wouldn't have been what got me into sci-fi, as it did. The really neat thing about both Halo Wars RTS games was the way almost every unit was capable of attacking air units, albeit less effectively then their actual/hard-counters, but I loved how even your basic infantry squads could FINALLY point their guns upwards, which was missing from other RTS games that I still liked, but always found the absence of such an obvious capability annoying. Aside from that a loved the little details like your squads chatting and how your Spartans had take-down animations for finishing off other infantry units of their size. The base-building was a bit limited, as far as placement went, but it was understandably modular and was enough for the job. Always liked unit veterancy, being rewarded for keeping them alive. Even on easy difficulty the AI in Skirmish can already screw with you enough by sending the hero characters, that is if you didn't build a defense fast enough. I could already see it being similar to Tiberian Sun, where on Easy the AI was like a tutorial, then just one difficulty-level above, at Medium, it was already too much. And it probably would've been the same in Halo Wars, but I didn't even wanna find out. I played the campaign on normal difficulty, though. I actually recently skipped through a video of a guy who played 7 vs. 1 on Hard in Red Alert 2, and for a brief moment it filled me with enough nostalgia that I wanted to download the game, again, even though I rarely tried playing against Hard AI back in the day. Never mind 1 vs. 7. Mental!
  25. Can't say I disagree with you. Unfortunately chat platform like Discord add the most value to those most "chatty" in a project and that naturally brings the focus of discussions there. Using a forum is nice for long term archived discussions but for quick back and forth discussions chat platforms have a much superior user experience. And gamers in particular are used to have everything on Discord.
  26. Personally, I hate, hate, and hate that most discussions on the internet moved from individual forums to Discord. Discord has its place as an instant communication tool, but all the useful (and easy to find) information is slipping away from the netizens' fingers. Now, it's all in the hands of the Discord servers, and external archival (and web search) is not possible anymore.
  27. View File Tesla Tank with GDI Normal Camo (Yellow) Tesla Tank with GDI Yellow Camo Submitter Wizardman Submitted 03/19/24 Category Modifications  
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