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  1. Today
  2. How many players from Australia? If it can reach up to 28 then I can look for a server renting in your area.
  3. Were you seriously born in 1999?!?!  Whats your deal???

  4. are you’all still accepting donations?
  6. YES YES YES@! OMG It is confirmed. Bots can place defensive proxies. I am in shock. This IS Awesome! Field. No players. As usual i set up some bots. 3 lvl 1. 2 lvl 9. 2 lvl 5. GAME on. I set mines for GDI> nothing happening. so i switch to Nod to balance and set mines for both sides..... !!!What is this!!>???? I find mines have been placed in the Hand. and not just some bullshit mines.. but 3 in the front and 3 in the back... WTH>>>??? Bots rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Yesterday
  8. What is this mean? Why can't I connect to the only server that has players in it? How did the 40ish people connected? Is it a client issue?
  9. Last week
  10. I wonder if there would be enough support to arrange a time to play. Even a small match could be fun if done right. I gather Australia is 12-15 hrs ahead of my time here in NA. EST. Kinda rough for me to help but i would try. Maybe some EU players would join ya ?
  11. Without people in the evening for us Aussies, the only time to play is from the early morning till lunch time.
  12. Never said it was perfect, but if you want to change something to make it better at least make sure it doesn't already exist.
  13. Earlier
  14. Tell them to move to America.
  15. I'm not aware, but the UI may be getting an overhaul in the somewhat distant future...
  16. Version 1.0.0


    This mutator allows server owners & Admins the ability to control the end-round timer. With this mutator the end round timer will not start until an admin inputs the command " /BeginMapVote ".
  17. I went to a Pistol guild meeting this week. the usual chit chat and sucking up to the uber players. But in the after meeting social i ran into an interesting PG member. We chatted about a variety of subjects... do rep tools emit toxic fumes?.... What caliber is the Silent pistol... and then our talk turned to tactics.. This player insisted the strongest use of reps was to form a chain of pistol power and rep power.... no more one rep on one player.. instead a zone approach where reps looked our for each other as well as the shooters... hmmm........
  18. because this is my fav server when it it 0 pop. ps i don't understand why this was a common server but now it does not exist.
  19. Very late night night match. Micro pop. 4 players and some bots. Aus player has 340 ping. WANTS to play but experiences difficulties. What can we do for this player?
  20. On all the maps......... ALL tunnels should be short and long. All field descriptions should be inner and outer. Mic drop. We should standardize our use of terms to describe what is happening. I was in a game the other day and folks kept describing the field path as long. This is very confusing. Field map sets the standard. Use it the same way on other maps ? Y/N
  21. Are you talking about the client or the server? What is misconfigured? I assume you are talking about the server
  22. Redownloaded the game today and I get the audio issue immediately. It used to work fine before, but now on the x64 client there's no audio from the very beginning - even the intro videos are silent. On x32 there's audio just fine, but it crashes due to being out of memory anytime I try to load into any map (got a paging file over 10 GB in size, checked to be sure based on previous comments). Tried windows vista compatibility, reinstalled directx libraries linked in another thread, experimented with the engine.ini audio pool - nothing works, the x64 executable just refuses to play sound. Kinda makes the whole thing unplayable, which is a shame. Windows 10 here.
  23. Edit: Mixed up my tabs and posted in wrong thread.
  24. Right... whatever. Let's conclude that this game is perfect and matches are intense and never drag on for too long. Must be why this game is so popular, with many servers and hundreds of players.
  25. OP says he gets into long slugfests but also says he's never seen or heard of commanders in this game. I don't think playing long matches in any recent RenX history would have no commanders if server has a decent population. It sounds like what he wants added is already in the game but hasn't actually played the game.
  26. If you can't connect then it is most likely configured incorrectly.
  27. Ah... so that is the chatter i was hearing. I didn't catch what was up. I wonder what effects it will have.
  28. Hey Grunts, what are your thoughts on EA's recent dump of source code for Renegade (https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Renegade) ? Probably there has been a lot of chatter in the main chat already, but I'm curious if there are plans from the dev team to work with it or anything? Sorry if this is already touched upon in another thread. Best nine (maybe)
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