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Hey what's up guys?

Check out episode 2 of the Renegade X Community Q&A right here. In this week's episode I'm talking about the ability to pick up dropped weapons, where can we get Renegade X? Will the GDI resistance make a comeback? Will the Renegade X music be dynamic and more.

[align=center][video=youtube;dr4ZrGmYxqI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr4ZrGmYxqI [/align]

PS: Don't forget to ask questions for next week's episode!


Will the multiplayer version change map rotation based on the number of players on a server?

(Sorry if you've already answered this, I asked it before but didn't see it answered)

I never liked playing small maps with lots of players and large maps with only a few players is even worse. It would be great if this could be prevented automatically.


Several questions to ask:

1) Not sure if this question was answered before in previous episodes, but is it possible for a player to set in prone position?

2) Are the gameplay and interface in RenX adapted from a hybrid crossover of Battlefield and Call of Duty? The HUD looks similar to the one in Battlefield 3 and the gameplay along with its speaking subtitles are similar to any Call of Duty game.

3) Will the size of the MP version of RenX be bigger than the SP version? If an expansion would have been possible, space should have been saved rather than re-downloading the entire content all over again.

4) Will an engineer be able to capture structures in the RenX MP version?

5) Will there be modifiers in the RenX MP version? (i.e. weapon upgrades, enhancements)

6) Is the age rating on RenX for mature players only? Although UT3 is for mature players only and the original C&C Renegade is for teens, this RenX game is too explosive and violent for some younger players. I don't see a age rating restriction with this indie game.

Several questions to ask:

1) Not sure if this question was answered before in previous episodes, but is it possible for a player to set in prone position?

2) Are the gameplay and interface in RenX adapted from a hybrid crossover of Battlefield and Call of Duty? The HUD looks similar to the one in Battlefield 3 and the gameplay along with its speaking subtitles are similar to any Call of Duty game.

3) Will the size of the MP version of RenX be bigger than the SP version? If an expansion would have been possible, space should have been saved rather than re-downloading the entire content all over again.

4) Will an engineer be able to capture structures in the RenX MP version?

5) Will there be modifiers in the RenX MP version? (i.e. weapon upgrades, enhancements)

6) Is the age rating on RenX for mature players only? Although UT3 is for mature players only and the original C&C Renegade is for teens, this RenX game is too explosive and violent for some younger players. I don't see a age rating restriction with this indie game.

you can only ask 1 question per episode now. so i will answer a few of these:

- (prone question) no, you will not be able to go prone. i thought it was to prevent camping, and it really isn't C&C renegade.

- (CoD/BF3 question) well, about the hud, they took the hud from the UDK default one, and edited it to look more stylish.

about the hybrid thingy, most of the dewv team don't even like CoD, but do like BF3, and there might be a few things that BF3 inspred them to add to Renegade X.

- (MP size) dunno. :)

- (enginer question) yes they will, tech buildings to be exact, but that still has to clear out. :D

- (weapon question) some weapons will have an alternative secondary fire, there also will be some slight modifications to them (also some cahnges to the prices), and the Tactical Rifle will be added.

about tanks... i'm not so sure about that. but i think it will be a little bid modified. :)

- (age rating) i have NO idea.

Two questions:

What has been done to get rid of the server lag that was in the UT3 beta?

Will there be console versions of Renegade x?

- (lag question) let jam answe thay, because i have no idea. :)

- (console question) MAYBE on the ps3. but only after the standalone MP version has been complete.


Will you guys have maps similar to Battlefield where there are different sized versions of the same map that cater to different numbers of players? For example a map that can easily hold 32vs32 players but also a version of the same map with condensed boundaries that is meant for smaller player counts or maybe even a different game mode?

lol, did you take it easy on the beer?

fun fact: 50% of all drinkers in holland in 2010 drank more then 10 glasses of beer per day at carnaval.

50% of those drank more then 20 glasses of beer per day at carnaval.

Talking about Holland, the northern part of Holland is a less alcohol user as the soutern part... makes that percentage for the southern of Holland even higher... But this year was a good carnaval year ;) , a lot of alcohol, a lot of money gone, and I still have all my tooth this year, so I am happy :) .


Question1: Some bugs and game play stuff from renegade does not make a lot of sense, but they made the game the way it was, will these game play improvement bugs and other gameplay improving gameplay still keep in renegade-x? For example snipers that can kill low armor pretty fast (which balanced the game pretty nice if you ask it me), harvy walking, nuking on places that are hard to access, tunnel nuking (we could life without this one), flaming, sneaking in the base by hiding just before an ob start shooting, using broken tanks to get pass the tank limit, stealing tanks so the enemy reach there tank limit some faster.

Question2: Will stealth be usable for a time period to prevent NOD from massive camping and weapon collecting on the field... in the multiplayer? Or will the stealth functions on the same way as in renegade?

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