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Looking for gameserver admins!!!

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I'm wanting to start a websites geared towards FPS games. I want to setup a bunch of servers but I kind of need someone to help me manage them. The website will be http://www.AlwaysFPS.com, still looking for a skin but I would like to setup the servers first.

Here are the games I would like to setup servers for and need admins for:

Unreal Tournament 3

COD 5 and possibly 4

Crysis Wars

Frontlines: Fuel of War (already have 2 up)

And anymore you can think of

If you are interested in being a head admin for some of the gameservers let me know. You'll be a mod on the website forums as well. Just need to get the gameservers up first so it people will come and register. Be nice if someone could figure out how to setup a UT3 RenX server when the time comes as well.

Contact me on MSN if interested! (David@dmehosting.com)

PS: If anyone wants to join AlwaysFPS and help get a skin/style for the vBulletin, that'll be great to. I'm willing to buy a style if someone can edit it and make it more custom for AlwaysFPS.

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