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now that firestorm is delayed and the base building is somewhat back with it only being possible in lockt locations why not  inprove this with player owned upgrades+researches to allow more player freedom per match in firestorm maps.

1. player owned power source upgrades.

every player on lvl 0 will eather be able to support 1  weak turret of power or none at all  (this is why there 2 different ones back to back with power.)at this level they can still build but. it will take the power from the base.

to upgrade ya own power source or get it ya need to research it and lvl it up keep in mind that player structures suffer a debuff on the 1st 3 lvls of this if the base hase no power to begin with or to less even tho the defences are supported by the players own power source the 4th research removes this.also keep in mind the turrets placed with there own power source will be named to the player that placed it.

-lvl 1 allowed people to get a power source from eather the 20-50 or the 0-40 this allows them to build turrets that use there own power supply(this doesnt effect base structures)also while ya have no base power to begin with or not enough to even support this normally even tho ya can support this on ya own ya turrets get a -30% debuff to fire rate and range

-lvl 2 increases the player power source even more from 50-80 or if ya started with 0 40-90 this upgrade there own power supply this will decrease the debuff if the base hase no power or not enough to -20% even tho the players own is able to support this

-lvl 3 increases the power from (pre powerdt from 0)80-130 if ya had power and if not  from 90-150 this enables ya to build turrets in the open battlefield,+turrets debuff is at -10% range and fire rate if the base dident have enough power to support it even tho u can.

-lvl 4 increases the power from 130-200 if ya already started out with power or if not from 150-230 this removes the debuffs from ya turrets range+fire rate and allows ya to construct 1 building max outside of ya outpost(if ya try to build a second one ya 1st building gets destroyed)

2.player+team armor,hp,base,upgrades+research.

this is also something i would like to see both a team and a player upgrade on there own ya get several options with max of 5 upgrades.

-1 is upgrade ya base hp and armor of all ya inf by 5% of base vallue costing 2000-4000-6000-8000-10.000 credits per upgrade. 

-2.the team one would cost 3000-6000-9000-12.000-15.000. this will also increase it by 5% of the base vallue with the final upgrade enabling on infantry to recover 2% of ya base hp and armor a sec while in combat and 4% while not in combat.

-3th one will be to increase the tanks health by 10% of base vallue this one would cost per lvl up.2500-5000-7500-10.000-12.500 every upgrade also allows tanks to heal up to a max of 20%-25%-30%-35%-40% of there health.they heal 0.5% of max hp per sec in combat and 1% outside.

-4th is the team tank one 5% of base hp cost 4000-8000-12.000-16.000-20.000 this also normally gives ya up to 20-25-30-35-40%  hp regeneration if stackt with other it will just stack up to 60% of the tanks max health. with the same 0.5% hp reg in combat and 1% outside. 

-5th research is the teams defences there range increase increase ya base defence range of attack  by 10-20-30-40-50% respectfully costing ya 4000-8000-12.000-16.000-20.000 per level to upgrade ya base there range

-6th research is base renewal/reconstruction this is a most have if ya wish to rebuild key structures ya need a ton  of credits tho. every research of this allows ya to rebuild structure with 20% hp more meaning from lvl 1 if ya mobile construction yard is destroyed renewing it will have it start with 20% base hp at lvl 5 the building will be compleetly rebuild to 100%. on the 1st lvl of this it allows ya to repair the structures there damaged hitpoints. by 20% per lvl this is cheaper and can only be done if the shields is atleast at 50% strenght+with a cooldown of 90 seconds. per repair or rebuild the credit costs to research is 7000-14.000-21.000-28.000-35.000 credits with the cost of rebuilding destroyed structures being 3000-6000-9.000-12.000-15.000 repairing is only 2000-3000-4000-5000-6000

-7specials super power/reinforcements. instead of the ion and nuke being auto unlockt and all let them having to be unlockt 

-nuke/ion needs 7000 credits to unlock this is teamwide

-reinforcement beacon (teamwide item)paradrops some player owned ai bots that follow the players+enter there vehicle to support the player if, the vehicle had some turrets. ya place the beacon anywhere and within 10-20 seconds ya will paradrop depanding on what tier this research is at the beacon also cost credits to buy research if 5000-10.000-15.000-20.000 the beacon itself is 500-1000-2000-3000. with the 2th tier dropping 1 engineer and the 3th and 4th a better one with other infantry ofcourse.

-tank drop beacon allows a player to unlock+buy a permanent kept on death vehicle beacon+the cost of beacon will increase if wf/air is destroyed. the beacon is destroyed on use but kept on death and characters swaps. the player can depanding on the research lvl call in more powerfull vehicles-the uber ones wouldent want people to just drop in a mammoth mk2. ya can also buy multiple different beacons with beacons being lockt on the level of the research. the beacons cost would be normally x2 the vehicle cost with no wf/air being x3.KEEP IN MIND THERE SINGLE USE ITEMS THAT ARE KEPT AFTHER DEATH AND CHARACTER SWAPS. beacond research costs 3000-5000-7000-10.000 per rank up .




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