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Posted (edited)

the random crate in the game is a very nice feature but it could always use some new added stuff or reworks possibly so what do ya guys/girls/its think of this

1st 1 single charge of a buildable turret to be placed by the user that picks up the crate  to use this when ya pick it up it gives ya commands .!turret places for nod a normal turret and for gdi a rocket enplacement !mturret places for both nod and gdi a gt enplacement with just a machine gun. !ssite drops a samsite on the location. this is still a random thing to get with the existing assets already being in game this shouldent be to much work to pull of. altnernatively an airstrike binocular could be used to deploy a single turret there instantly then its rng based on which of the turrets ya get

2.replace the existing nuke crate of 10 seconds into a kamikaze crate just ya become a charged nuke when ya die ya explode like the existing one just ya get no 10 second timer and ya cant remove this effect untill ya die.

3. stackable  damage,speed and debuff crates if possible and also make them stack with 1 another meaning ya dont lose 1 effect for the other 

-movement speed let the movement speed stack the base 15% every time ya pick one up with timer being replanished wont be a broken feature due to how easily ya lose it

-damage resisst could also be usefull if ya could stack not sure what the damage reduction is -5%-10%?

-glue debuff of -15% or so movement speed perfect to also keep on stacking+refresh timer with every crate 

-neo maybe? not sure if this boosts ya speed to max or just a good base extra speed if not to the max maybe stack it?

4 unique airstikes let ya be able to get both and gdi's and nod airstrikes from the crate being a stolen airstrike beacon or something.

5.remove nod buggy and humvee from the random weapon crate there not that heavily wanted the other ones that are of low hp have more of a use then these.

6.the existing scrin capture why not rework it into the scrin try's to kidnapp ya but they fail just dealing hp and armor % based damage to ya untill ya at 1% left afther 5-10 seconds in the air ya get thrown down with 1% hp and 1% armor left still is a lethal create. it just doesnt kill u when ya pick it up. the fall damage might if ya forget ya parachute or get shot.

7.1single airdrop command when ya get this just gives a message that a lucky player got an airdrop command drops in close proximity a random vehicle when used could also be the airstrike binocular then just have them named airdrop binocular airdrop delivers a random vehicle on that spot afther 10-20 seconds of waiting


add in the drop command dropping ya existing weapon if its not for the characters kit ya bought like for example the repair tool !drop just drops the weapon on the ground for other players to pick up this hase a tactical use also giving engineers/hotwires some weapons if the crate players gotten there automatic rifle from there crate.


so what do ya guys/girl/its think of these?

Edited by slashes
9 hours ago, slashes said:

2.replace the existing nuke crate of 10 seconds into a kamikaze crate just ya become a charged nuke when ya die ya explode like the existing one just ya get no 10 second timer and ya cant remove this effect until ya die.

This crate already exists

9 hours ago, slashes said:

-glue debuff of -15% or so movement speed perfect to also keep on stacking+refresh timer with every crate 

-neo maybe? not sure if this boosts ya speed to max or just a good base extra speed if not to the max maybe stack it?

They affect your base speed, and we don't particularly want them to stack, its a very potent effect, they should currently extend the duration on a new pickup

4 hours ago, Fffreak9999 said:

This crate already exists

really the no duration nuke crate already exist whats the rarity to even get it because, so far with camping crates never had that crate only had the instant death irritating nuke beacon one then the then 10 seconds death crate,scrin beaming up. with over 400+ crates pickt up figured that it wasent even in the game with pretty much getting every single effect possible.


4 hours ago, Fffreak9999 said:

They affect your base speed, and we don't particularly want them to stack, its a very potent effect, they should currently extend the duration on a new pickup

iif ya dont want them to stack whats the damage ressist ya even get because the speed on is +15% becase it states that but the damage ressist doesnt display what it even negates.

also why not make it that if ya enter a vehicle with multiple stacks ya only keep the base 1 stack of any damage and or speed resisst. should only 1 be kept ya could pick with an added command which like !kspeed keeps ya speed of +15% and !kressist keeps ya damage ressist shouldent even be a problem tho takes but a couple of seconds to typ in.

30 minutes ago, slashes said:

really the no duration nuke crate already exist whats the rarity to even get it because, so far with camping crates never had that crate only had the instant death irritating nuke beacon one then the then 10 seconds death crate, scrin beaming up. with over 400+ crates picked up figured that it wasn't even in the game with pretty much getting every single effect possible.

The Kamikaze crate is more common than the instant nuke crate by a fair margin [See below].


31 minutes ago, slashes said:

if ya don't want them to stack whats the damage resist ya even get because the speed on is +15% because it states that but the damage resist doesn't display what it even negates.

also why not make it that if ya enter a vehicle with multiple stacks ya only keep the base 1 stack of any damage and or speed resist. should only 1 be kept ya could pick with an added command which like !kspeed keeps ya speed of +15% and !kresist keeps ya damage resist shouldn't even be a problem though takes but a couple of seconds to type in.

There are 2 speed crate options:

[Speed], [MegaSpeed].

Speed increases speed by about 15% (if I remember correctly), This one allows vehicles to gain the benefit of speed.

MegaSpeed (Neo) is much higher at about 60%, This one does not allow vehicles to gain this benefit and only lasts 90 seconds.

SlowDown (Glue) is about a 20% slow if I remember, which only lasts 90 seconds, and doesn't give vehicles the penalty either.

Damage Resistance is about 15-25% off the top of my head. 

These stats alone are potent enough to not warrant stacking (since we used to have a stacking speed crate, which got pretty insane).

Even if we wanted to have them to stack, even 2 or 3 crates would make someone nearly un-killable for this duration, either due to 5 minutes of speed/damage resist which gets refreshed on pick-up, along with stacking their effect.

From what I remember the speed/DR crates don't stack with each other either, negating the first one to be picked up.




























Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Fffreak9999 said:

The Kamikaze crate is more common than the instant nuke crate by a fair margin [See below].

then the kamikaze crate is that 10 second duration one dident see any in the list below that could be it otherwise. if it is indeed the 10 second crate why not remove the 10 second duration of it. this way that crate could have some tactical use instead of how player use it right now(1.2.3 options) ya could even remove the restrictions of them not able to enter a vehicle when pickt up. remember in the original renegade they allowed ya to pick ya death+use a vehicle even tho ya had a chef outfit+flamethrower with it.

1. run towards an ally and blow themself up with them

2. just commite suicide ya got 10 seconds to live anyway.

3 try to walk a long distance to try and kill someone.

27 minutes ago, Fffreak9999 said:

There are 2 speed crate options:

[Speed], [MegaSpeed].

Speed increases speed by about 15% (if I remember correctly), This one allows vehicles to gain the benefit of speed.

MegaSpeed (Neo) is much higher at about 60%, This one does not allow vehicles to gain this benefit and only lasts 90 seconds.

SlowDown (Glue) is about a 20% slow if I remember, which only lasts 90 seconds, and doesn't give vehicles the penalty either.

Damage Resistance is about 15-25% off the top of my head. 

These stats alone are potent enough to not warrant stacking (since we used to have a stacking speed crate, which got pretty insane).

Even if we wanted to have them to stack, even 2 or 3 crates would make someone nearly un-killable for this duration, either due to 5 minutes of speed/damage resist which gets refreshed on pick-up, along with stacking their effect.

From what I remember the speed/DR crates don't stack with each other either, negating the first one to be picked up.

thought the glue was 15%+it still gets removed instantly when ya enter and exit a vehicle so its pretty much an easy debuff to remove

the megaspeed buff(neo) is also the same ya instantly get the speed buff removed when ya enter any typ of vehicle could be ya enter an ally's vehicle to hide for a momment then to exit and its gone.

should they stack again why not make them stack with diminishing returns the first crate adds 15% speed and 15-25% for damage reduction 2nd stack would just only add 1-3th(33%) of the buff with how the maps crates are placed ya wont be able to get much stacks anyway.

only see this might be a problem in 1 single map vulcanus or something the 4 crates all in a line together but that map is mostly a 3-10 minute map anyway. with people rushing so getting a stack of crates is kinda inpossible in there.

the dr/speed dont stack yeah ya can always feel the effect of the speed being removed on the damage pickup same thing with neo glue debuff ones ya pick up a different buf crate the other buffs magically get removed.

Edited by slashes

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