Chrisjh0223 Posted June 23, 2017 Posted June 23, 2017 Renegade X, old Renegade, and possibly various other video games have commands anyone can enter. Other games that run on Unreal Tournament engines very likely have them, but I have absolute zero experience with those other games so I wouldn't know. To enter a level 0 command in C&C Renegade or a fan-made spinoff, you bring up either the global chat or team chat, and type a single exclamation mark followed by a word prompt. A few examples for old Renegade shall follow (I didn't play much of old Renegade multiplayer on servers). !music on: Turns the server side jukebox on, it plays music in your game folder. It ideally plays music everybody has from the campaign missions, so if a server owner has non-Renegade music playing then it must also be downloaded to your folder directory so it can play on your end. !music off: Turns the jukebox off, self-explanatory. Nice to have a jukebox on a server you can toggle on and off on a whim. !setjoin x: Set your join message to whatever you want, whatever you type as the x variable shows up when you join a server. My silly example is !setjoin Today's Tom Sawyer dudes! *inside joke. So when I join a server it will say "Today's Tom Sawyer dudes! *inside joke" RIGHT after the line that says "Chrisjh0223 has joined the game fighting for team whatever." !donate <playername> <moneyamount>: Donate any amount of your own credits to a player you specify. So suppose JohnSmith needs 1000 credits for a beacon and you have money to share around, you can type !donate JohnSmith 1000. Of course, you need your own credits for your tactics so if money is rather stringent during a match you could donate some (maybe 200) and rely on other teammates to chip in as well. !help: Lists some access level 0 commands you can use on the current server. !rotation: Lists the maps the server is using in rotation. !next: Shows you the next map to be played on the server immediately after the match ends. !weapons: I'm not exactly sure what this does(as in, how do you manage it?), as I've only seen this in a YouTube video on the automated messages by the server. From what I comprehend, if you lost your Barracks/Hand of Nod, this command allows you to buy a weapon that the advanced characters have. Now onto the Renegade X commands. !help: Lists access level 0 commands usable on the current server. Unlike old Renegade, there is more room for text so you can expect to see more. !rules: Lists some solid rules to obey on the current server. Room for text is limited, so the display cannot have too many rules displayed. Here's an example from ConstructiveTyranny, "No base to base combat, no getting to locations not meant to be accessed by mapmaker design and no undisarmable beacons." Each server can customize what they say on the in-game rules, and you'll likely have to visit the server's website to review ALL the rules. Servers can also automate text, so text lines from automation can specify additional rules. !ping: Tells you what your current ping is. You can also hold down your Tab button, and see your ping and other player's pings on the quick display. But the command is great for seeing just your own ping in an instant. !lag: Same as what !ping does, or could be something different. !stats: Shows you what your current status facts are on your profile. !rank: Shows you your rank on the current server. There's also a similar command, .rank. The .rank command shows your global rank, shared all across the Renegade X server community. !time: Shows you what the current time is in your time zone, or in the server side time zone, or both. When people (such as myself) type this, we are doing a time check. It's great when it DOES work, and you don't have a clock close to you at your computer, and that's ideally who the command is made for. Alas, it does work on at least one server but that was years back when I last successfully executed the command, and I'm not sure if that one server still uses it (or if it's still up & running). It can still be implemented on likely any server though. LOL, you'll see me inquire the server about the time with this command, and it does nothing. For those of you who don't know, when I do this I'm checking the time and if I leave shortly after the implication is I had to do something in real life at that time frame. !mods: Shows you the moderators currently active on the server, and very likely also gets their attention. If this is the command I think it is, it will prompt a mod to contact you and ask you if everything is all right. At this point, tell the moderator what the issue is, such as if you think a person is using hacker tools to cheat in the game. Also of note is the following webpage: Look at the Commands section right under the Contents box for useful functions during a Renegade X match. I remember using a command that isn't on there, and it brought up frames per second and a few other strings of text data. Anyone remember what that prompt is? It's mostly useful for diagnosing your FPS and similar facts for evaluating performance on your end. Simply use the !help command to see other commands you can use on a server, as this is just a sample/example list. What other video games use this system of commands, and if you mention one, please list a few examples as well. Feel free to chime in with more command examples usable in C&C Renegade and its fan variations. I don't think this topic needs a sticky, but it's ok to sticky if you want these commands readily available, especially if we add pretty much all of the RenX commands. Are there any other topics on the RenX forums (or other webpages) that mention commands anyone can use? Quote
Sn4ke Posted June 23, 2017 Posted June 23, 2017 (edited) @Chrisjh0223 you can't run console commands via chat. clients have to open the console first Quote Commands Commands will be displayed in bold letters, while variables will be in italic. Here is a list of the most used commands: donate playerX amountY transfer Y of credits to playerX. fov amountX FOV = field of view. Changes the magnitude of the player's field of view in third person mode by the designated amount. Note that there is a limit to how much larger or smaller the FOV can be, regardless of the value inserted in X. setname X changes the player's nickname into whatever is typed inside X. setbind bindname command Binds a keyboard button defined in bindname to a console command defined in command. Example: "Setbind G suicide" would make the player commit suicide every time they press the G key. switchteam self-explanatory. if the teams are already uneven against yours, you won't be able to successfully execute this command. startfire This command will enable you to constantly shoot with the weapon's main fire without needing to use right-click. It is commonly used by players with Repair Guns firing at Master Control Terminals that need to go AFK. A right-click or a sprint will cancel this command. startaltfire Same as above, the difference being that the weapon's alternate fire is used. It does nothing on weapons without an alternate fire mode. suicide This command will cause you to commit suicide. Usually used to quickly return back if the base is in peril. reconnect Reconnects your client to server, same as quitting the game and entering again. Used to resolve some of the bugs without taking the chance of your place of the server being taken by other players waiting to enter the game togglescreenshotmode Removes the UI and turns the current equipped weapon invisible in order to not obscure the view for taking any screenshots. Works best with first-person view. Combined with fly or ghost, it can be used to take screenshots from different angles in skirmish mode. from: Expand the !-commands mentioned above only work with an IRC-bot connected to the server (not all of them anyway....) Edited June 23, 2017 by DarkSn4ke Quote
Chrisjh0223 Posted June 23, 2017 Author Posted June 23, 2017 Well yes, I did know about the console commands needing the console for input, but thank you for specifying. :-) I just thought about including the console commands as a mention in the OP, since they are ALSO commands that anyone can use. The !-commands are the core focus of the topic, commands in general are also acceptable such as the console commands. Quote
Sn4ke Posted June 23, 2017 Posted June 23, 2017 (edited) On 6/23/2017 at 9:09 AM, Chrisjh0223 said: The !-commands are the core focus of the topic, commands in general are also acceptable such as the console commands. Expand The server needs a bot to treat the !-calls. So these commands can't be used in general (on any random server). Edited June 23, 2017 by DarkSn4ke Quote
Fffreak9999 Posted June 23, 2017 Posted June 23, 2017 As mentioned, the commands like !rank require a moderation bot to be running server side, the .rank function queries the Stats bot for all Renegade X. The stats bot can do other stuff, but it more for leaderboard ranking. Quote
Jarzey Posted June 23, 2017 Posted June 23, 2017 On 6/23/2017 at 8:16 AM, Chrisjh0223 said: Look at the Commands section right under the Contents box for useful functions during a Renegade X match. I remember using a command that isn't on there, and it brought up frames per second and a few other strings of text data. Anyone remember what that prompt is? It's mostly useful for diagnosing your FPS and similar facts for evaluating performance on your end. Expand Typing "Stat FPS" into the console shows FPS values on the screen. Also, the console will automatically display possible options when you type in the first letters. For example, just typing "Stat" ,the console will reveal some (but not all) the available options that start with the word "stat" - (In Ren X's instance FPS, UNIT, LEVELS, GAME, MEMORY, XBOXMEMORY, PHYSICS, STREAMING, STREAMINGDETAIL, COLLISION, but there are way more) - all of those will give you statistics, metadata, and diagnostics about the game. Lastly, because Ren X is made with UE3, you can also refer to UE3 Documentation to see what console command is available. 1 Quote
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