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*  This mutator will add the DoubleJump to the Renegade X game    *


Version 1.0.0

Compatible with Renegade X v5.282  

Mutator :

Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump.u (Download)

Source :



Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump.uc (Download)


*  Modified by Ukill, this can contain parts of code written by Jessica\Yosh  *
*    This mutator will add the DoubleJump function to the Renegade X game     *
* Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump                                                       *

class Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump extends UTMutator;

function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other) {
	if(Other.IsA('Rx_TeamInfo')) {
		Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game).DefaultPawnClass = class'Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump_Pawn' ;
		Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game).PlayerControllerClass = class'Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump_Controller' ; 
return true;

DefaultProperties {


Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump_Controller.uc (Download)


*  Modified by Ukill, this can contain parts of code written by Jessica\Yosh  *
*    This mutator will add the DoubleJump function to the Renegade X game     *
* Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump_Controller                                            *

class Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump_Controller extends Rx_Controller;

function CheckJumpOrDuck() { 
	if ( Pawn == None ) { return; } 
	if ( bDoubleJump && (bUpdating || ((Rx_Pawn(Pawn) != None) && Rx_Pawn(Pawn).CanDoubleJump())) ) { Rx_Pawn(Pawn).DoDoubleJump( bUpdating ); bDoubleJump = false; }
    else if ( bPressedJump ) { Pawn.DoJump( bUpdating ); } 
	if ( Pawn.Physics != PHYS_Falling && Pawn.bCanCrouch ) { Pawn.ShouldCrouch(bDuck != 0); }


Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump_Pawn.uc (Download)


*  Modified by Ukill, this can contain parts of code written by Jessica\Yosh  *
*    This mutator will add the DoubleJump function to the Renegade X game     *
* Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump_Pawn                                                  *

class Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump_Pawn extends Rx_Pawn;

var bool canDJ ;

function bool DoJump( bool bUpdating ) { canDJ=true; 
	if(JumpZ < default.JumpZ) JumpZ = default.JumpZ; CurrentHopStamina = 1;
	if(Abs(Velocity.Z) < DoubleJumpThreshold) LogInternal("In doublejump threshhold");
	if ( !bUpdating && CanDoubleJump() && (Abs(Velocity.Z) < DoubleJumpThreshold) && IsLocallyControlled() ) {
		if ( Rx_Controller(Controller) != None ) Rx_Controller(Controller).bDoubleJump = true; 
			LogInternal("222222222222222222222222DJump N Node Single:" $ Rx_Controller(Controller).bDoubleJump); 
			DoDoubleJump(bUpdating); MultiJumpRemaining -= 1; 
			return true; 
	if (bJumpCapable && !bIsCrouched && !bWantsToCrouch && (Physics == PHYS_Walking || Physics == PHYS_Ladder || Physics == PHYS_Spider)) {
		if ( Physics == PHYS_Spider ) Velocity = JumpZ * Floor; 
		else if ( Physics == PHYS_Ladder ) Velocity.Z = 0;
		else if ( bIsWalking ) Velocity.Z = Default.JumpZ;
		else Velocity.Z = JumpZ; 
		if (Base != None && !Base.bWorldGeometry && Base.Velocity.Z > 0.f) { 
			if ( (WorldInfo.WorldGravityZ != WorldInfo.DefaultGravityZ) && (GetGravityZ() == WorldInfo.WorldGravityZ) ) { Velocity.Z += Base.Velocity.Z * sqrt(GetGravityZ()/WorldInfo.DefaultGravityZ); }
			else { Velocity.Z += Base.Velocity.Z; } }
		SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); bReadyToDoubleJump = true; canDJ = CanDoubleJump(); 
		LogInternal("SingleJump _ VarbUpdating:" $ bUpdating); bDodging = false;
		canDJ = (!bUpdating && CanDoubleJump() && (Abs(Velocity.Z) < DoubleJumpThreshold) && IsLocallyControlled() ); 
		LogInternal("CanDJ0000000000NormalJump:" $ canDJ) ;
		if ( !bUpdating ) PlayJumpingSound(); return true; 
	} return false;

simulated function DoDoubleJump( bool bUpdating ) { 
	if ( !bIsCrouched && !bWantsToCrouch ) { if ( !IsLocallyControlled() || AIController(Controller) != None ) { MultiJumpRemaining -= 1; } 
		Velocity.Z = JumpZ + MultiJumpBoost; LogInternal("01010101110101DoneDid A Double Jump"); RX_InventoryManager(InvManager).OwnerEvent('MultiJump'); SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); BaseEyeHeight = DoubleJumpEyeHeight; 
		if (!bUpdating) { SoundGroupClass.Static.PlayDoubleJumpSound(self); } 

function bool CanDoubleJump() { return ( (MultiJumpRemaining > 0) && (Physics == PHYS_Falling) && (bReadyToDoubleJump || (UTBot(Controller) != None)) ); }
function bool CanMultiJump() { return ( MaxMultiJump > 0 ); }

	MaxMultiJump=1				// default is 0
	MultiJumpRemaining=0		// default is 0
	JumpZ=500					// default is 320
	MaxJumpHeight=150			// something less than 49




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