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Preliminary Bug Report: Crash Site - 5.281 release

[created by: @Ruud033]

Hey folks,

here are some bug-screens from CS, we're not done testing the map though. ~80% done. But let's give Ruud something to chew on ;)

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Hmmm, what else? You can run around behind Nods base ( "out of the official map" near strip / PP, but NOT completely out of the map) avoiding the death countdown... But so far I can't see a real advantage for GDI going there cause you don't get out of sight and Turrets will shoot at you.

Might finish testing today....

Happy fixing Ruud!



Edited by DarkSn4ke
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#Update: - private one :P -

Still not done testing Crash_Site yet. But yesterday I found a way to get on top of one of the buildings. So this is kind of a "undisarmable" nuke spot.

@Ruud033 got a PM about this, but I won't release screens here for obvious reasons (maybe when the new map version gets a patch-release...).




@Ruud033 Could you send me a DL link for the fixed version? For a final test session? :D

I hope you fixed the stuck spot at GDI Ref/Bar tunnel too [the one I showed you during the first PUG on the latest map version].

I didn't report it here.. :o



@Ruud033 tested your fixed_door_version with Try. spaceship door sound seems to be fine now. maybe a bit too gentle but that's a matter of taste.

Found more stuck spots, will post screens tomorrow. [might need another test session at full length though]

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