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  • Totem Arts Staff

I hope this is the right place for my post :P

i want to start build own maps for "Renegade X" i love to be creative, already has built many maps, but dont yet with UDK and now i got some problems to setting up this stuff

- where i should extracting / installing these programms / files and stuff

i would be very happy about that if one could help me because... i dont get it >.<'

Greez. DaKuja


Gotta be honest, I've never used UDK before and am having troubles figuring this out as well. Installed UDK and the SDK, but it's unclear to me how to access the SDK files within UDK. Do they need to be extracted into the UDK or...? I'm a hardcore gamer, but this sort of stuff has always gone over my head. Have a great idea for a map though, and would rather figure it out myself than have someone else make their interpretation of it.


Go into the renegade x sdk directory go into binaries then win32 and create a shortcut of UDK.exe. Right click on the shortcut and go properties in the target field add the word editor after the quotes should look something like

"C:\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe" editor

then run the shortcut that should open the UDK editor if UDK crashes try this guide viewtopic.php?f=136&t=74919

  • Totem Arts Staff

Yay now i get it start it without issue but there is no of the assets like static mashes / packages (Buildings and stuff), what i'm doing wrong? :o

Yay now i get it start it without issue but there is no of the assets like static mashes / packages (Buildings and stuff), what i'm doing wrong? :o

Oh there is. You will be asked which Map landscape you wanna have - choose one. You can also build a map from scratch (Blank Map). There also should be the "Content Browser" open, if not press Shift+CTRL+F.

Click on "UDKGame" go to "Content" and "RenX".

The Developer "kenz3001" had made some good tutorials for UDK and how to get started.

Look at this one to see how to get started from scratch.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Thanks for your helps i think i have many to learn about UDK and creating maps, my lates problem with the missing assets / packages there was missing files there are not downloaded.

Now i downloaded again an see there, there is everything i need :D

Now i'm starten with the basics from UDK with support from kenz tutorials.

Greez. DaKuja

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