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I just got on for a long time, never even played a significant amount of Beta 2. Not proud of that.

I made that up as much as possible, and streamed, although nobody viewed lol.

I have a list of discussed improvements, comment on them:

Problem: Secondary Weapons, techs benefit from them the most, some of them are stronger than primaries, steps on the toes of Call of Duty.

Solution: I think this has a chance to greatly increase the variety in-game instead of decrease it.

1) Add even more weapons to secondary, both guns already used by some classes, and unique signature guns perhaps commonly found in other games, no overlapping ones persay and possibly tiered with a cost difference.

2) Add weak repair gun to secondary at a high-ish cost, a sydney with a weak repair gun would be as viable as a hotwire with a carbine, and currently the heavy pistol is underrated, it allows an engineer to contribute damage to other vehicles if supporting vehicles himself, and is a poor man's anti tank alternative when hon/bar/wf/strip is down.

3) adjust price, where it will be viable to either go cheap class with good gun, or expensive class with weaker gun, but ultimately keep secondaries economically inferior and not too strong compared to primaries, so its not economical to get real expensive primary and secondary if you only use one, nor is it too overpowered to have both.

4) add increased armor to items, if they were 500 creds for 50, you would survive a ramjet bodyshot with it, and that is the worst part of losing a bar/hon.

1-4) The above would balance some edge cases like the tech class overusage, and increase variety in general as a very one-use class has a variety of other weapons as secondary, and increase the use of credits both with or without other structures because having cash but no bar/wf/strip/hon sucks. At the very least, a variety of weapons killing me would feel nice, there are existing weapons that need balance, mcfarland is underrated and real strong and gunner makes no sense in comparison to cost/dps of rocket soldier.

Problem: Disproportionate losses when losing a structure, i'd come to terms with the loss of a ref but wouldn't know what to do if I lost a hon on nod or a wf on gdi.

Solution: My last solutions solve the Bar/Hon loss. The following expands to do the same for the strip/wf/pp!

1) How the vehicles were dropped for vehicle crates, make that available on purchase at the terminals, whenever the vehicle structure is down, at 3x the cost of the vehicle and only allowing the tank/jeep for each team.

2) When pp is destroyed, every vehicle costs x2, class costs x2, ref works at half, but IN ADDITION, base defence works at half power (half damage oblesk, agt loses bullets). Because the base defences having 2 sources seems to be the end all of all games.

Problem: Stealth Tanks are visible from the silo in field to either bridge very fairly clearly. Then, you steadily peck on one with a handgun to visible it. This was in fact the opposite in beta 1.

Solution: If possible, decrease the range on the stealth on the tank, just a meter. If not possible, decrease the stealth effect in general by just a meter. Just the distance from the MCT to the window in the War Factory. Would rather just the tank, if not the unit too.

Problem: Rocket Soldier has more damage and damage per total ammo carried than gunner, and mcfarland is best anti infantry and is less than 200, volt rifles are some of the weakest situational for 1000.


1) keep the Area Size of the flak explosion but lower the damage so you have to whail on someone with it a lot to score a kill. It would cause more retreats than kills. It is still amazing utility for a cheap unit, you can push snipers without being in a sniper's angle.

2) Increase the gunner's ammo even more, to 48. He is already well enough, this would make him worth every credit and different from the rocket soldier in his sustainable field time.

3) Give patch a larger clip and better ADS accuracy for suppression and contributable flexible damage to vehicles. Right now he does pretty bad damage to both vehicles and infantry compared to mcfarland.

4) For legacy sake and as a buff, make the chem warrior resistant to chem burn. He would be useful as a t2 flamethrower and as a utility unit like mcfarland (use chem warrior if enemy has tib ref weapons, and in maps like mesa and field with a large tib field)

5) give volt rifle a longer range, and adjust it's secondary to be shorter range and tighter shot spread. This makes it as superior to close range units and versitile to vehicles and midrange units, as the sniper is to units and light armor vehicles, and the pic/rail is to heavy armor vehicles and mid/long range infantry. I feel, the volt rifle should at least be as valuable as other 1k units at either units, vehicles, short range, long range, or versatility to several of those, as right now it loses to all those.

These suggestions are in fact from a pub level, not a clan wars, but it shouldn't buff anything too much in a clan war.

  • 2 weeks later...

If anything, my suggestions to change Ren's balance is to lower Ramjet damage to 175 per shot and increase McFarland's price by $50. Chem buff is a flavour thing which I am OK with.

Stanks were nerfed for the sake of other maps and are still usable on pub level in Field, mainly for WF rushes and flanks on Mammoth rape trains. I completely disagree with Gunner buff. While Rocket Soldier may be better on paper, he provides "uneven" DPS which is huge in massed attacks on buildings and is inferior vs tanks. I think these two are in fine spots.

As for lose of a building creating so called "slugfests", "campfests" and "who can get good veh crate first" scenarios, in my opinion a good solution to that problem is implementation of supply drops. It fits the lore and limited acces to more advanced equipment/infantry to a weakened team would lead to better gameplay experience and more comeback potential.

If anything, my suggestions to change Ren's balance is to lower Ramjet damage to 175 per shot and increase McFarland's price by $50. Chem buff is a flavour thing which I am OK with.

Stanks were nerfed for the sake of other maps and are still usable on pub level in Field, mainly for WF rushes and flanks on Mammoth rape trains. I completely disagree with Gunner buff. While Rocket Soldier may be better on paper, he provides "uneven" DPS which is huge in massed attacks on buildings and is inferior vs tanks. I think these two are in fine spots.

As for lose of a building creating so called "slugfests", "campfests" and "who can get good veh crate first" scenarios, in my opinion a good solution to that problem is implementation of supply drops. It fits the lore and limited acces to more advanced equipment/infantry to a weakened team would lead to better gameplay experience and more comeback potential.

Supply drops being a purchaseable thing from PT for a steep cost to make up for a lack of a factory make a team lacking a building viable yet disadvantage, they would drain resources faster and often not have access to vehicles due to lack of credits.

Idk about character balance, ramjets being 175 is a good idea but I wouldn't mind purchasing higher max armor either, it is a good cred dump. Gunner doesn't even lock onto vehicles, compared to his 400 counterpart it is generally situationally always better to have a single hit lock on rocket, gunner having lock on is a start and more ammo at least allows liberal use of his weapon. Chem Sprayer not taking lingering chem burn sounds simple enough a buff. McFarland is the best anti infantry just about, it makes sense to make him a 500 class at that rate, or just make his damage not kill in a clip even if he spams the floor, just enough to force an enemy infantry retreat. I don't get the volt rifle a lot either, it is pretty sort of strong but it can't be stronger than laser chaingun which lands bullets more reliably and does same dps and clip damage, for a 1k unit it should have better stats.

I stand by the variety point of secondary weapons filling roles. It gives players options to purchase supplements to a character primary, and I suggest it because I always get pistol to supplement machinegun classes and smg to supplement snipers shotguns and launchers, not to mention the common complaint that techs are 80% infantry and are most buffed by secondaries so a secondary repgun would buff non-tech classes more.

  • 4 weeks later...

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