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The infantry movement in RenX needs some serious adjustments imo.

Side strafing and backwards running is so fast that its just plain silly. It needs to be a lot slower and there needs to be a delay before you can change directions. Playing against bots is ridiculous because they side strafe so fast they actually warp across the screen in close combat.

Forward movement needs to be a little faster and sprinting needs to be drastically faster. The way it is now, sprinting in RenX feels like race-walking instead of running. Sprinting is supposed to be a mad dash, not a light jog. Stamina should drain much quicker while sprinting too.

Needed to vent a little. Now I feel much better.



God no. Putting a delay on movement directions would make this game even easier than it already is. Leaning is a bad idea considering you can see past every corner as it is anyways. Peeking in and out is already very strong, so why make it even stronger by allowing players to peek in and out with only a fraction of their body? Are we just gonna camp corners forever?

All the movement needs is more "grip". It just feels like everyone floats around and there's no feedback for moving around. It just needs to "feel" better.


General excuses for floatier movement is "netcode". I don't find it too floaty, but I fidn the 3rd person camera lags WAY too much behind you (even in vehicles). It should not have any delay whatsoever, thats one thing that makes my movement feels floatier than they are.

Anyway. I am in UTTER disagreement with slow side-backward movement. I actually DESPISE it when a game decides arbitrarily that "backward" is slower.

Why? Because its stupid. The camera is more the head than the body, but when you move fast only in specific directions, the game just starts feeling dreadful when you want to aim around you.

I couldn't be more against such a change. Every direction should be as fast as the other. Otherwise the movement would be garbage, plain and simple.

And sprinting need -NOT- be faster. Its already made the infantry far more versatile than they are supposed to be.

Anyway. I am in UTTER disagreement with slow side-backward movement. I actually DESPISE it when a game decides arbitrarily that "backward" is slower.

Slower backwards and side to side movement isn't "arbitrary", its REALITY. Lets see how fast you can run backwards, lol. Having totally unrealistic player movement breaks all immersion and frankly ruins the game.

And sprinting need -NOT- be faster. Its already made the infantry far more versatile than they are supposed to be.


WTH are you talking about? Changing the current super long jog into a more realistic short sprint isn't going to make infantry overpowered, lol.


The reality of the situation is that modern gamers are not going to accept a game that has totally unrealistic player movement. If they wanted unrealistic movement they would all love Quake and modern gamers HATE Quake with a passion.

Get with the times or get left behind.

If RenX refuses to be immersive then it has absolutely no chance of attracting a modern audience.



Modern gamers are irrelevant. That shit part of gaming you seem to want to attract is irrelevant. If they are part of the drone mass of tasteless idiots they have no say in a game that is actually a form of art, instead of a piece of crap designed to sell millions to the people that don't give a shit.

Modern gamers are irrelevant. That shit part of gaming you seem to want to attract is irrelevant. If they are part of the drone mass of tasteless idiots they have no say in a game that is actually a form of art, instead of a piece of crap designed to sell millions to the people that don't give a shit.


I thought the point was to make RenX succeed?

You seem to be dead set on watching it go down in flames.

(Ok, you are actually an EA mole aren't you? You can tell me, it will be our little secret, lol.)

Let's think about this logically shall we:

1. The overwhelming majority of gamers want immersion in games.

2. Most gamers consider unrealistic player movement to be immersion breaking.

3. RenX has unrealistic player movement which will inevitably drive away modern gamers.

4. There are not enough old C&C fans to keep RenX alive.

5. RenX is doomed to fail in its current configuration.



Why are you still playing a dead game then ? And no, i can tell you for a fact that the dev team does not give a fuck if this game attracts a lot of players or not. For the most part we rather not have all the cry babies. The more players the more insults etc are posted in the forums. Its just not worth it dealing with a large crowd for free. Thats one of the reason why the game might never come back on its feet again. To awnser your question more directly: The movement is supposed to be fast like in the classic. If you dont like it then this game isent for you. And again: no we dont care about beating a call of duty or something in playernumbers. Just leave us alone if you think the movement isent for you. Thank you.

Modern gamers are irrelevant. That shit part of gaming you seem to want to attract is irrelevant. If they are part of the drone mass of tasteless idiots they have no say in a game that is actually a form of art, instead of a piece of crap designed to sell millions to the people that don't give a shit.


I thought the point was to make RenX succeed?

You seem to be dead set on watching it go down in flames.

(Ok, you are actually an EA mole aren't you? You can tell me, it will be our little secret, lol.)

Let's think about this logically shall we:

1. The overwhelming majority of gamers want immersion in games.

2. Most gamers consider unrealistic player movement to be immersion breaking.

3. RenX has unrealistic player movement which will inevitably drive away modern gamers.

4. There are not enough old C&C fans to keep RenX alive.

5. RenX is doomed to fail in its current configuration.


Immersion =/= realistic. Yet another pseudo-intellectual talking out of his ass.

Why are you still playing a dead game then ? And no, i can tell you for a fact that the dev team does not give a fuck if this game attracts a lot of players or not. For the most part we rather not have all the cry babies. The more players the more insults etc are posted in the forums. Its just not worth it dealing with a large crowd for free. Thats one of the reason why the game might never come back on its feet again. To awnser your question more directly: The movement is supposed to be fast like in the classic. If you dont like it then this game isent for you. And again: no we dont care about beating a call of duty or something in playernumbers. Just leave us alone if you think the movement isent for you. Thank you.

That's sad considering this game NEEDS a large playerbase to work. This game will pick up on its feet if these issues it has right now are ironed out. It just needs polish.

i can tell you for a fact that the dev team does not give a fuck if this game attracts a lot of players or not



I am speechless.

This game is all but dead and a dev doesn't care if it attracts any more players?

I can tell you that you certainly aren't going to attract players by calling anybody who makes a practical suggestion a "cry baby" and telling them you don't give a f**k.

Whoever is the person in charge should really make clear to everybody if RenX has been abandoned because I am getting a strong impression from your outrageously insulting tone that it has been.


It hasn't been abandoned, but Renegade X is made after Renegade, it isn't about getting everyone's input to change everything about the game, its about getting the game to a place where its as close to the original with a few improvements where its really needed.

The devs have had to deal with so many ranting posts about changing it already. They are working on it, and its not abandoned :)


The whole point of my post was about addressing one of the causes of extremely low player population.

If the RenX devs refuse to change something that is repelling the overwhelming majority of modern gamers that is certainly their prerogative. However, operating under the assumption that a game can succeed while actively offending most players is delusional.



Look at it this way:

You're trying to tell a punk rock band to do rap.

I know its a non-sensical example but the point is, if the group loves Punk Rock, they are making Punk rock, this is what they love. Even if they sell nothing, and if doing rap would mean making millions, why would they do it? The ENTIRE POINT of all this tedious work was to do Punk Rock.

Its the same thing with Renegade X. What is the point of everything they have been doing if all they did was switch around to make a modern CoD game.

I'm certain all the devs would love to see their servers active full of players, its not like they don't want players. But they want players in love with Renegade for what it IS.

Otherwise it has absolutely NO meaning. NONE.

Can you understand that?

Can you understand that?

Of course I can understand a suicidal determination regardless of the impossibility of success.

Just because something can be understood doesn't mean it isn't silly.

You're trying to tell a punk rock band to do rap.

Your analogy is actually very apt, but I think it would be more like saying,

"Rock sucks, I only want to play Skiffle." :)

In the 1950's Skiffle was very popular. However, if a group tried to draw an audience in 2014

by playing nothing but Skiffle, they would be lucky to make enough to pay for gasoline.

What is the core element that differentiates C&C from the majority of shooters?

Buildings + Credits. Everything else is secondary but the veterans don't see it that way.

If anybody suggests that modern gamers don't like player movements that make a

jack rabbit on crack seem tame, then the veteran faithful all scream in unison,


The obvious truth is that modern gamers don't want C&C.

I know that's a hard pill to swallow, but its the truth and everybody knows it.

However, if C&C has enough elements of immersion that modern gamers expect

then I believe that they will not only warm up to it, they will even learn to appreciate it.

There are only two choices for this game as I see it: go down with the ship or start bailing.

Frankly, I am not joined at the hip to any game or game mode.

Like most gamers, I judge games by a very simple criterion.

Is it fun? If it isn't, then I will move on to something else.


The obvious truth is that modern gamers don't want C&C.

Its not really obvious. You assume the game has conceptual problems, and you back it with dwindling player numbers. But i dint really hear complaints in game from newbs that they dont like the arcade shooting, or the pay to dominate class system, just minor things like sniper/sbh balance issues, and the biggest problem everyone mentions is still stability and the truckload of bugs that is somewhat acceptable if unfortunate in a beta build.

The obvious truth is that modern gamers don't want C&C.

Its not really obvious. You assume the game has conceptual problems, and you back it with dwindling player numbers. But i dint really hear complaints in game from newbs that they dont like the arcade shooting, or the pay to dominate class system, just minor things like sniper/sbh balance issues, and the biggest problem everyone mentions is still stability and the truckload of bugs that is somewhat acceptable if unfortunate in a beta build.

I think its safe to say that the bugs aren't bad enough to make the game unplayable since at least two servers are still filling up with players. It seems unlikely that the intermittent crashes are so picky about hardware that only 0.25% of all people that downloaded the game are lucky enough to be able to run it.

Using in-game complaints isn't an accurate measure of mass player sentiment either. Most people will just leave, they won't bother to complain in text chat before they do. I suspect that most people who rejected the game never even played RenX online at all. I would be willing to bet that those people tried a few minutes of a bot match and decided they didn't like it. Needless to say, I don't think minor balance issues can account for the mass exodus either.

40,000 people downloaded this game and only 100 people stayed to play it. That means that 99.75% of everybody that tried the game rejected it. Such a huge rejection rate indicates that there is something fundamentally undesirable about the game to the vast majority of people.

Obviously, the simplest way to find out why people didn't like it would be to take a poll. Unfortunately, that will never happen. The devs have indicated that they are completely unwilling to change anything for the sake of appeal to a larger audience anyway, so asking people why they hate the game is pointless.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that there would be a huge market for a totally free, high quality military shooter. That's undoubtedly why most people downloaded this game. They thought it was a free version of BF3 and when they found out it wasn't, they threw it in the trash. That isn't to say that there is no hope for this game to gain a larger audience. I believe that if some things were changed to bring RenX into line with other modern shooters while still maintaining core game elements, it could expand exponentially.

I understand the devotion that the devs and the veteran players have for the original game play of C&C:Renegade. However, I am pretty certain that the new players don't feel that way and you can't grow the player population if you only appeal to veterans.

40,000 people downloaded this game and only 100 people stayed to play it.

I think your download number is old. I read on the forum that its up to 61,500 now.

  • 2 months later...


you need to do what your username says.

and if you dislike the game please leave, the community won't miss a toxic player like you.

i'm new to this place and i had to sign up in the forums just to post this.

if you like your modern shooters go back to your COD.

this is -RENEGADE X-

either you live with it, or you can just go away.

nuff said.


Its bad enough that -we- have to live with the fact that games like this simply don't exist anymore and even this game has such a tiny population.

But you're posting in an old topic.

I'm pretty sure the guy has been gone for a while.

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