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  • Totem Arts Staff

You can paint the landscape in-editor like you would a strategy game level. All of the rocks have to be imported from a 3d package like max, maya, modo etc. or come with UDK. In this case, most rock models came with UDK but specific shaders were made so they have snow / fresnel effects on them.


How do you make the tunnels? Painting the landscape is pretty simple in my opinion, but do you use the mountain (with the tunnels) as a model created in max or is there a trick for the UDK?

Greetings, Koni

  • Totem Arts Staff

That's where it gets tricky.

For me personally UDK often gives up a lot when I try to create tunnels, but there's an alpha brush you can use to paint holes in a terrain/landscape. You then either fill up the tunnels with meshes (as I have done) or create another landscape for your tunnel (either ceiling or floor or both).

Mesa perpetually crashed for me when I used the alpha brush so I opted to create the landscape entirely out of mesh components which is equally valid but requires extra work and you have less textures to paint on your terrain unless you use pre-baked masks from photoshop or paint those before importing.

Fortunately after the latest UDK update alpha brushes work for me again and I can easily create caverns which is a huge timesaver.


hey I say let the community make the maps. add a separate download map editor/maker. easy to use tools using simple words even kids can understand. full editor. not just place this there. but edit the landscape like desert grass etc.

Just curious, how many development hours does it take to build these maps for an experienced map developer? The detail is amazing so far!

Really depends... the process of placement / landscape painting is relatively fast if you have a good selection of models, textures and materials to work with. You can get a map up and running within a few days.

If you want specific materials and special effects you'll have to create those yourself usually.

Lighting idem but you'll have to tweak and wait a lot for lighting compiles.

After that polish phase is endless... new bugs crop up, custom materials and collisions will have to be made, fixes here, fixes there.

AI will have to be setup too, fortunately that is a relatively simple process but you'll spend a good day making exceptions and getting the correct nodes in.

In general though, creating maps for RX is a lot faster now since we've built up a library of stuff... when we just started you have to take modeling and everything that comes with it into account since our artists had to do basically everything.

Yeah I can imagine all of the bug and collision stuff taking forever especially if your one for detail.

Amazing work guys, can't believe how amazingly awesome this is already and its still ages from completion!

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