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UDK Crash Upon Launch if Steam is running.


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I'm unable to launch Renegade X if steam is running in the backround. If I click "Start In Game Menu" while steam is running, I get an immediate crash stating "BUILT WITH UDK has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." Simply closing steam alleviates the problem.

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Steam API: v013, Feb 25, 2014 update

Pentium 4 651 3.4ghz HT Cedar Mill

4gb DDR2 667mhz Mushkin Silverline ram

XFX HD6570 2gb gddr3 128-bit

Windows XP SP3 Home Edition

Antec Basiq 550W PSU

Game runs great when I close steam, except for a "ran out of video memory" error every now and then.

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Steam API: v013, Feb 25, 2014 update

Pentium 4 651 3.4ghz HT Cedar Mill

4gb DDR2 667mhz Mushkin Silverline ram

XFX HD6570 2gb gddr3 128-bit

Windows XP SP3 Home Edition

Antec Basiq 550W PSU

Game runs great when I close steam, except for a "ran out of video memory" error every now and then.

Try this;

You can try increasing the amount of memory Windows makes available.
Startup Crash on Windows 32bit only:

On Windows 7, 8, or Server 2013:

1.)Run command prompt as admin.

2.)Type in "BCDEdit /Set IncreaseUserVA 3072"

On Windows XP:

1.) Find and edit Boot.ini (Instructions: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/289022)

2.) Look for the line that says "multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="WindowsXP, ...."

3.) Add "/3GB" to the end of this line

As an example, it might look like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows Server 2003, Enterprise" /fastdetect /3GB

Make sure you restart after changing the settings.

You can also find a bit more info on the subject over here; viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72024

From what I can tell, the game is having issues with 32bit OS's due to memory limitations.

XFX HD6570 2gb gddr3 128-bit

Having a video card with 2GB vram on a 32 bit OS isn't a really good thing. If at all possible, I'd recommend you upgrade to a 64bit OS (you should be able to with that CPU).

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Adding that /3gb switch to the boot.ini made the computer extremely sluggish, even at the desktop with nothing running. I'll get a 64-bit os eventually, but right now cannot afford one. Like I said though, when I close steam the game launches and runs fine.

Why do the minimum requirements state Windows XP and 2gb of ram if thats the case? Did they not test the system requirements? All of my video settings are on the absolute minimum.

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Isn't the difference in that a 32-bit system can allocate 2 gb of ram per application and a 64-bit system can allocate 4gb per application?, so wouldn't that mean 2gb of ram is still 2gb of ram regardless? maybe i'm not understanding correctly or missing something. Anyway thanks for trying to help I'm guessing theres no fix atm. I'd also be interested to hear if anyone is running this without issues on a system with only 2gb of ram?

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