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Hi, I play a ton of FPS games and I'm pretty good in a lot of them (QuakeLive, CS, Tribes Ascend, UT2k4, Painkiller) and these are things I'd like to see added to this game (nothing huge).

1. Crosshair options, I enjoy having a + sign as a crosshair for all my guns. I'd like to see more options for crosshairs.

2. More key binds available. I'd like to bind all the keys to my liking. Timed C4, Remote C4, mines, and Beacons are all not bind-able in the options menu.

3. Hide weapon option, to hide the weapon from your HUD/FOV. This isn't such a big deal since I play in third person most of the time anyways, but it'd be nice.

4. That's it. Seriously. Game is great.

Hi, I play a ton of FPS games and I'm pretty good in a lot of them (QuakeLive, CS, Tribes Ascend, UT2k4, Painkiller) and these are things I'd like to see added to this game (nothing huge).

1. Crosshair options, I enjoy having a + sign as a crosshair for all my guns. I'd like to see more options for crosshairs.

2. More key binds available. I'd like to bind all the keys to my liking. Timed C4, Remote C4, mines, and Beacons are all not bind-able in the options menu.

3. Hide weapon option, to hide the weapon from your HUD/FOV. This isn't such a big deal since I play in third person most of the time anyways, but it'd be nice.

4. That's it. Seriously. Game is great.

I definitely concur on wanting more key binds. Switching weapons is pretty clunky.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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