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Posted (edited)
Not sure how to express myself in a civilized manner about this but, uh...


Why are beacons only disarmable for only 20 seconds?

Who thought this was a good idea?

Why "fix" something that worked perfectly already and make it ridiculously one sided towards nod?

I understand that you want a point of no return but why not ADD 5/10 seconds to the 30 seconds of DISARMABLE time?

20 seconds is way too little considering you need to fucking find the beacon first, usually on foot.

What you did is buff sbh nukes even more and it's a terrible decision.

Edit: I was wrong

Excuse the emotional discharge but this is a big change that was absolutely unnecessary.

There are a few things I really dislike about this game and this is one of them, I'll post some general feedback once I play some more.

Edited by Guest
  • Totem Arts Staff

I suggest you hold a stopwatch to this because the beacons go off at around ~60/50 seconds after placement giving you ~50/40 to find and disarm. The last 10 seconds are bonus prize money coolness where you need to get the hell out of dodge otherwise you get killed.

Posted (edited)

It's actually 5 seconds longer wait than the renegade nuke, too.

The way it is set up has been discussed though, and someone on the Dev team came up with a great idea for it. I'm hoping that idea gets implemented.

Edited by Guest
  • Totem Arts Staff

The timing may vary slightly because as the announcement is made time passed by so the voice actor's line might not be entirely in sync. but both teams have plenty and equal time to disarm the beacon.

We'll monitor this though because it might mess with people's expectations a bit.


Oh, you're right. Just timed both.

Ren nuke takes 47.72

Renx nuke takes 57.72

That's no way near 20, I didn't realize that.

Guess times passes at a different rate in an intense ingame, but the countdown did in fact cause some confusion.

Well, sorry about that then.


There's a few probelms with the nuke right now.

-The nuke really just seem outright glitched and often impossible to disarm.

-The timer for a nuke is confusing, both in seconds (with the last 10 being impossible to disarm, which actually makes it quite confusing for a lot of people)

-The audio cue for the beacons is quite bad. In Renegade, it was very clear how the sound changed, but it doesn't change that way in Renegade X. It goes up a bit but then kind of stays in the same rhythm until its too late.

The problem quite simply is even informed I have a problem knowing how much time is left to disarm and too often I've seen 10 engineer on a rooftop fail to disarm a nuke.


I just hated it at first because I was really confused why I couldnt disarm the bugger. Turns out that means it was already activated and I was supposed to be running away.


To be honest, why was it done that way? It was a LOT more suspenseful when you could be disarming it until the very last millisecond when it was going to blow up. Hearing the sirens sound and the whole sound effect while disarming it was so intense, and felt so good when you got it just in time.

I know its not very "realistic" to stop a nuke while its falling but I don't really care about that... to me that whole flavor thing just gets in the way. It got rid of a lot of the potential feeling of the nuke and really, its anti-climatic.

Change it to how it behaved in Renegade.

To be honest, why was it done that way? It was a LOT more suspenseful when you could be disarming it until the very last millisecond when it was going to blow up.

I know its not very "realistic" to stop a nuke while its falling but I don't really care about that... to me that whole flavor thing just gets in the way.

Hopefully eventually it will be edited and have some added animations.

So that:

When a nuke gets disarmed while it is dropping, it blows up mid air with a small explosion.

When an ion gets disarmed while it is active, it "sucks" the ion strike back into the center of the strike from how far it has advanced.

That way, no "nondisarmable" time, and no "random ion or nuke disappearing" problem. It was suggested by kil and I hope it is being worked on.

I think it should say nuclear strike imminent when it's actually too late to disarm and not when it's 15 left.

Well that's exactly what it does now. It says the strike is imminent when you can no longer disarm it. It usually goes something like...

"...20.....15.. Nuclear Strike Immenent, 10, 9, 8...." etc. The beacon also turns bright green and changes its sound effect when it can't be disarmed anymore.

However, I don't like how it gives you 10 seconds to run away. I really hope Kil's idea is put in.

I think it should say nuclear strike imminent when it's actually too late to disarm and not when it's 15 left.

Well that's exactly what it does now. It says the strike is imminent when you can no longer disarm it. It usually goes something like...

"...20.....15.. Nuclear Strike Immenent, 10, 9, 8...." etc. The beacon also turns bright green and changes its sound effect when it can't be disarmed anymore.

However, I don't like how it gives you 10 seconds to run away. I really hope Kil's idea is put in.

Maybe the 64 player map was way too chaotic to notice, but I dont remember any of the beacons saying the attack was eminent or the beacon changing color.

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