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hey guys, i have played through Black dawn, and i thought it simple was awesome. :P

hope the multiplayer bullets won't be like light sticks. becuase that's just rambo III. :3

anyways, i decided to make a thread to show you what i thought of the game. but then on a bit more original way. :)

order = terrible ---> awesome

1. Gameplay: No keyboard Internet games C&C renegade

2. Graphics: 2,5D Runescape C&C renegade $HINY BF3

3. Difficulty: h4x0rz mainstream meh damn! Asian contra

4. Bugs: Streets of Sim City C&C renegade a few ^^ NO BUGS???

5. AI: C&C renegade Renegade X fair good Saints row the third

6. Plot: Minecraft C&C Generals C&C renegade/Renegade X System shock

7. Weapons: sticks and stones out of ammo CoD look at my arsenal!

8. Originality: Rip-off BioShock Arcade games C&C renegade/renegade X 80's/90's games

9. EPICness: Zzz... hmm... this might me interesting. you suprised me! KAMEHAME...

Total Nostalgia Rating: RIGHT ON BROTHA!

what is YOUR Nostalgia Rating? post it HERE!!!

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