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Tiberium Crystal War Beta 1.20 Released (FREE TO PLAY)

DOWNLOAD MIRROR 1 (working): http://www.tiberiumc...r_Beta_1.20.exe

DOWNLOAD MIRROR 2 (working): http://www.zunnie.ne...r_Beta_1.20.exe

DOWNLOAD MIRROR 3 (working):

DOWNLOAD MIRROR 4 (pending): http://www.indiedb.c...l-war-beta-v120

DOWNLOAD MIRROR 5 (working): http://www.multiplay...act=view&id=314

Official Website (new): http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com

Please NOTE that the installer might appear to be "non responsive" when installing, just leave it running, it is actually busy extracting the files.

Please NOTE that when you run the GAME for the FIRST time it may take a long time for it to load up, just be patient :)








Cool Animating Tiberium Spikes Video:


Our Voice Actress AkuMa voicing over Lt. Sandra Telfair



Run the Tiberium_Crystal_War_Beta_1.20.exe installation and follow the onscreen instructions. NOTE: The installer may appear to be unresponsive, just give it a few minutes to complete installing.


You must install the VC Redist which starts during installation.

You must install the DirectX update which starts after the initial TCW installation completes.

You must edit the Tiberium Crystal War shortcut on desktop and change "MyNickname" to your desired name, in the Target box.

Playing the Game Online

To join our server and play online please edit the shortcut to Tiberium Crystal War on your desktop by right clicking on it and choosing properties.

Then edit your nickname by replacing the "MyNickname" entry.

Configuring Tiberium Crystal War Graphics and Sound

Please run the Configure Tiberium Crystal War shortcut in your Startmenu and configure your options as you see fit.

Note that if it is the first time you run the config it may not save your settings right away. Launch the game, then exit it, and run the config again. It will save the settings on exit.

Server Details

Server IP = Port = 7800

IRC = irc.multiplayerforums.com #MPF-TCW


Here is a detailed list of what is currently available in the Tiberium Crystal War Online Beta 1.20:

--- Beta 1.20 Additions:

- Added the Nod Harvester to the game (tracks are not moving yet will be fixed later)

- Added explanation voice over from AkuMa as Lt. Sandra Telfair saying something about the Hand of Nod and reinforcements :)

- Hopefully fixed the GDI APC Zonetrooper Weapon fire animation

- Added entry in core code to load missions.dat when tcw launches. This is the file we will use for Mission Specific data.

- Added the Nod Mammoth Tank with Rocket Pods

- Stealing Infantry Technology from the GDI Barracks and Hand of Nod is now possible with an Engineer or Saboteur

- On maps with more than one Powerplant the game will no longer report "Base power offline" until all Powerplants are destroyed

- Fixed WF techstealing so you can no longer steal when the building died while you were in the process of stealing

- Nod Operations Centre no longer floats in the air on TCW_Gobi

- Renamed the configuration program wwconfig.exe to tcwconfig.exe and updated the icon

- Removed Renegade Pedestals from the maps - Will have to think of something else

- Made harvesting zones on TCW_Tropical bigger to fit the tiberiumfield better

- Fixed Stealing Tech from the WF's on TCW_The_Moon

- Fixed Armor Upgrade for GDI so Rifles, Grenadiers and Missiles get proper health+30 and armor+30

- Fixed Orca's missing misile, it now starts with 1 loaded and 6 inventory

- Fixed the Purchase Icon for the stolen technology Nod GDI Harvester

- Stealth Detection on Attack Bikes now works

- Engineers and Saboteurs now have a red laserbeam when firing weapon

- Mines and Explosives do more damage to Zonetroopers and Commando's

- Added Capture Point Captured/Lost sounds for Dominatrix and Center_Point

- Added new Flametank sounds from bazil

- Fixed Warning sound for buying a Nod GDI Commando

- When a Rocket or Missile soldier enters the APC Passenger Seat the APC weapon will start firing Missiles/Rockets

- Stealth Detection on Attack Bikes now works

- Engineers and Saboteurs now have a red laserbeam when firing weapon

- Mines and Explosives do more damage to Zonetroopers and Commando's

- Added Capture Point Captured/Lost sounds for Dominatrix and Center_Point

- Fixed Warning sound for buying a Nod GDI Commando

- Map Center Point now has Tiberium Spikes

- Mammoth Tank now has Rocket Pods which fire powerful rocket combo's

- Stealth Tank firepower upgrade versus Mammoth Tanks - it now takes 3 reloads (30 rockets) to kill a Mammoth Tank with a Stealth Tank

- Stealth Tank Armor+25 and Health+25

- Rocket Soldiers now do 5% more damage to Mammoth Tanks

- Scorpion Tank firepower against Mammoth Tanks slightly upgraded

- Commando's can no longer fly Chinooks/V-35 Ox Transports

- Added Sniper Passenger APC Weapon upgrade

- Added Zonetrooper Passenger APC Weapon upgrade

- Added Map Intro's on all TCW Maps which show some basic info about the map

- New music track on TCW_Tropical made by Tessa called Prelude To War

- Fixed rocket explosions on the APC Rocket launcher when a Rocket dude is in the vehicle passenger seat

- Increased Flametank Health by +25hp to 375hp

- Increased Flametank Armor by +25ap to 375ap

- Reduced Flametank speed by 5%

- Reduced Mammothtank Health by -50hp to 450hp

- Reduced Mammothtank Armor by -50ap to 450ap

- Added Maulers Map Intro to Temple

- New Orca missile firing sound added

- Tiberium Spikes now start 'idle' and will only animate once captured

- New Tiberium Spike with splendid interior and working inside- and outside animations

- New PT for buying Orca's on Cruising map

- Fixed Pitbull stealthdetection detecting stealthed units when the player had just exited the pitbull

- Fixed loadscreen to display http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com

- Whatever else we forgot to mention :)


You *must* let the installer run VCRedist and the DirectX Update at the end and install them or TCW may not work correctly.

Greetz TCW Dev Team

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